Chapter 13 - Reunited

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After the spirit was dealt with, the woman walked down the stairs and over to Lucio, greeting him.
"Hello Lucio, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yuh, good to see you Iseko." Lucio replied, hugging Iseko, "Did you finish your mission?"

"Yes, I have and I have a way for us to get back home." Iseko smiled, not bearing any attention to Katsuno who stood beside them awkwardly.

"Ai... how?" Lucio Asked, he didn't get his hopes up yet, he wanted to hear what she had to say.

"The Astral Flame." Iseko responded, she spoke slowly and made it seem like the astral flame was a huge deal, which it was.


A few hours later, it was night and Azmodeus was comforting Madeline, holding her in his arms as she cried into his chest, "I thought he was gonna make it..."

"I'm sad as well, he was my only friend that I actually had left..." Azmodeus held Madeline closer, his eyes staring into the distance through a window, so much had happened recently and Azmodeus still hadn't caught up with all of it.

Suddenly, Madeline's hand rose up to his face, gently placing itself on his cheek, she leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips, "I love you, Azmodeus."

Azmodeus was shocked for a few seconds but hesitantly kissed her back, holding her close, "I love you too, Madeline."

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