Chapter 8 - Deja Vu

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It was now daytime, after Lucio and Katsuno had a long conversation and after Katsuno had thankfully convinced him to hear him out, Lucio invited him to stay at his mansion for the night and they could talk in the morning.

Lucio was sat down at the main dining table with Katsuno opposite him, sitting down as well, "Lucio, after our last battle together, you told me to run and that you'd follow behind soon enough, and I obviously believed you because well- you've never really lost a fight but then, I waited and waited and you never came. Do you think you can remember what happened after I left?" Katsuno asked.

"Katsuno it seems I have forgotten something of dire importance... The man you knew before that battle is gone, and I am what remains. If I would've never got into that battle maybe we could haveve remained friends but now, I have no clue who you even are, I'm sorry." Lucio responded, a guilty look on his face, he felt bad for Katsuno.

"It's alright." Katsuno sighed. He then began to think of a way he could perhaps, bring back his memories and make him the person he was before, "But hey, you wanna maybe help me rescue people from this Ancient Knight compound? You get paid a lot."

"Oh- yeah, sure I guess." Lucio said as he stood up from his seat, "I'll go get ready, I'll meet you outside in a bit."

"Say less." Katsuno chuckled as he realised this may be his one chance at bringing the real Lucio back.

A few minutes later Katsuno was waiting outside as Lucio said goodbye to Alina.

"Alina, I'm heading off now, I'll see you later." Lucio went to open the door until Alina gripped his wrist and stopped him, then pulling him to face her.

"And...?" Alina waited for Lucio to say goodbye in the correct way, smirking as she looked up at Lucio.

"I'll see you later, I love you." Lucio laughed slightly, kissing Alina softly on the lips, Alina kissing him back. Lucio then opened the door, waved to Alina and shut the door, leaving the mansion.


Whilst Lucio and Katsuno were on the way to do a mission and get some money, Azmodeus was now trapped in the dungeon of a mysterious castle positioned beside a volcano.

Azmodeus slowly woke, he looked left and right to see if Ku was with him but, he wasn't. Azmodeus was somehow being suspended in the air, inside of a huge amethyst geode with a door around 30 metres away. Azmodeus quickly woke himself up by forcefully biting his lip as hard as he could, his adrenaline kicked in and he scanned his surroundings. He quickly gathered that he was about 20 metres up in the air and around 20 metres away from the roof of the geode, his wrists were cast in a strange red seal, his hands paralysed. The same thing applied to his ankles and feet.

He noticed the door opening, quickly opening his mouth and breathing black and white fire, attempting to kill whoever was walking in

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He noticed the door opening, quickly opening his mouth and breathing black and white fire, attempting to kill whoever was walking in. The fire didn't even reach 20 metres, leaving the person who had just entered to be completely unharmed and slightly amused.

As the fire cleared Azmodeus saw who It was, it was the woman from before the one who knocked him out, he could now get a better view of her. She stood atop a platform, in the middle of the floor and the ceiling.

"What the hell do you want from me?! And where's Ku!" Azmodeus screamed, his voice echoing and a few embers sparking from his mouth as he spoke.

"Pfft, what thine want? You two doggedly scoured the forest for some 'Ancient Knights' as you people call them. Then captured one, it is my duty to rescue and protect my kin. Tch..." She said with pure disgrace and disbelief in her voice, putting her hands on her hips and scoffing, "Thou art but a fool... Now that I've fixed you of you idiotic behaviour, my name is Yue, daughter of the lord of the starlight archive."

Azmodeus was silent for a few seconds, slightly embarrassed because of what she had just said to him, he then eventually spoke up, "What did you do to Ku?"

"Oh, him? He's in one of 10 cells, all filled with prisoners, alive but... I don't have any use for him, but I do for thee." Yue chuckled, knowing that Azmodeus has no way of breaking out of here.

"After 3000 years, you still haven't given up to somehow gain the power of that huge ass tree, it won't work, give up." Azmodeus scoffed with disbelief and anger in his voice, his eyes narrowing.

"What? 3000-" Yue was suddenly interrupted by one of the guards, they opened the door and walked up to her, he seemed spooked.

"E nwere ndị ikom abụọ n'èzí, ha dị ka ha nọ ebe a maka ọgụ." The guard hurriedly spoke, waiting for a response from Yue.

"m chere na ha nọ ebe a maka ndị mkpọrọ anyị, gbuo ha." Yue responded, the guard leaving the room. Yue looked up at azmodeus, glaring at him, "I'll speak to thee later." She then left the room aswell.


Lucio and Katsuno were stood outside of the castle's main gate, it was made out of stone, with small cracks of magma and lava mixed in. "Bro what're they even saying, they acting like we can understand this bullshit." Katsuno sighed, resting his arm on Lucio's shoulder who was trying to communicate with them but to no avail. The 'Ancient Knights' were positioned upon the top of the wall, looking down at us, aiming ballistas and cannons. They had already shot arrows at them but they all missed.

Yue then pushed past the guards, looking down upon them. "What does thee want?!" She yelled at them, now just annoyed.

"Oh she speaks English, Halle-fucking-lujah." Katsuno muttered in Lucio's ear.

"Excuse me, may we enter and take those prisoners off of your hands? We're transferring them to a different outpost, we don't mean any harm!" Lucio shouted up to her, trying to reason with her.

"Lucio, why not just break through those gates and kill them all?" Katsuno suggested, looking at Lucio with a grin.

"No! That's monstrous!" Lucio gasped, looking back at Katsuno in horror.

"NO YOU MAY NOT, ART THOU KNOW WHAT THIS PLACE IS?! WHO WE ARE?!" Yue screamed at Lucio, the guards beside her looked concerned and slightly scared based off of their body language.

"IM GONNA KILL YOU AND YOUR ART THOU WHIT WHAT SHIT!" Katsuno shouted at Yue, pulling out a small speck of ice from his pocket which was seconds from melting, transfiguring it into a huge ice spear that he hurled at her head.

Yue swiftly dodged it, all of the ballistas and cannons stationed on the wall began to simultaneously fire one after another, Lucio and Katsuno dashed around, dodging the projectiles and getting closer to the gate, Katsuno eventually reached it, extending his arm and a rocket blasting out of it, blowing up the gate. They both ran into the courtyard of the castle.

"WHAT IN GODS NAME WAS THAT KATSUNO?!" Lucio screamed in shock, witnessing something that he believed he had never seen before.

"OH I MISSED THIS!" Katsuno screamed in joy as tens of hundreds of 'Ancient Knights' Charged at them, weapons equipped.


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