Chapter 11 - All that divides and distinguishes

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Directly after the explosion...

Lucio floated in the air, laughing maniacally and scratching at his own skin, his veins bulging and his eyes bloodshot and bleeding profusely.

Everything in an 100 metre proximity was shredded and destroyed, the castle was now laying in a large crater and was now just bricks and slabs of stone, the surrounding wildlife was destroyed and some trees and patches of grass and dirt were floating in the air due to the explosion of Lucio's strongest known gravity ability.

Azmodeus led on the floor just outside of the crater, against a broken tree, half of his body was shredded and now looked like torn up paper, his eyes had rolled to the back of his head and there was blood all over him and his surroundings, he was breathing somehow, but very little.

Katsuno was less hurt due to him transfiguring part of the explosion that hit him to do less damage, all he lost was a left hand and 2 toes. He had rips and cuts all over him like something had been cleaving and ripping through him, he was unconscious but still perfectly able to survive.

All of the prisoners were dead. All of the guards were dead, This is the beginning of a war.


Katsuno would spring back into reality and wake up after being slapped by Lucio, "wake up bro." He said, smiling, tugging at his collar due to how uncomfortable his clothes were.

"Lucio, you're back. Finally bro, you want a small little recap on what shit has happened since our last fight together?" Katsuno arose from the ground, dapping up Lucio and smiling with great happiness. He'd then pull out Yue from his pocket, who was still a meatball.

"Nah im good, I remember don't worry." He'd pat Katsuno on the shoulder, looking at the meatball, "what's this?"

"It's Yue." He said with no emotion, like it was jst a normal thing for him to do and Lucio knew that aswell.

"We'll interrogate her I guess, nothing better to do right? Also you're missing a hand... and I think 2 toes." Lucio chuckled, looking at his wrist where his hand was severed and where his 2 toes were severed.

"Oh." Katsuno realised that he had great injuries and simply just regenerated them and healed all of his other wounds.

The Two friends left the scene, travelling across the beautiful forests, the sun shining down on them and blessing them with its warmth and grace, the weather was perfect, the wind wasn't too strong, the grass was at perfect length and there was no hung people in the middle of the pathway this time. They washed their clothes in a lake and also washed the blood off of themselves aswell, they waited a day for their clothes to dry before they set off again.

Eventually they reached the mansion again, Lucio teleported himself and Katsuno inside where Alina noticed him, ran over to him and hugged him tight, "Why were you gone for so long?!" She cried out, she was so worried and had dark bags under her eyes, a sign she hadn't been sleeping because she was awaiting Lucio's return. She was crying out of happiness that he had finally returned. Katsuno just stood in front of the door awkwardly.

Lucio hugged her back, softly smoothing her head to calm her down, kissing her forehead softly and letting her cry into his chest, "It's alright now, I'm back home."

The sound of Alina's tears slowly faded, until they got quieter and quieter... Alina fell asleep in Lucio's Arms. He picked Alina up and carries her In his arms.

"Did you ever tell Alina about that time you shagged the queen of The Citadel?" Katsuno chuckled

"Nah, don't think I ever will to be honest." Lucio quickly teleported upstairs, laying her in bed and putting the blanket over her, teleporting back downstairs and sighing, "Interrogation time gang."

Downstairs, in the basement...

There was a table in the middle of the room, 2 chairs sat on one side and one chair sat on the other with chains around it.

Katsuno walked to the single chair and placed the meatball down on it, transfiguring it back into Yue's actual body, chaining her up in a matter of 1 second so she didn't even get time to react. Lucio and Katsuno both sat down opposite her.

"DIDST THOU TURN ME INTO A BALL OF FLESH?! A LOATHSOME BALL OF FLESH?! WHATS WRONG WITH THEE! FUCK YOU!" Yue screamed at the top of her lungs, Katsuno and Lucio jst stared at her in silence.

"You done?" Lucio calmly asked her, laughing slightly.

"Yes." Yue said slowly, breathing heavily.

"I thought the Ancient Knights were trying to claim the power of the ardtree? Not capture random ass people for no reason and practically take over everything." Katsuno said calmly, slouching back in his chair.

"Stop calling them the fucking ancient knights, thou is a stupid bastard, we are the Stormlight Archive." Yue said with a tone of anger lingering in her voice, "and things change ponytail boy, taking over not just Ashyn but the entire world may be the only way to even get into the Ardtree."


Back where Azmodeus rested, he replaced his ruined limbs with flames that had the durability and strength of concrete to stand up and limp away, his vision was blurred and his ears were constantly ringing and everything seemed to be echoing.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of a young boy shouting at him from behind, he couldn't make out what he was saying so he slowly turned around and when he saw him, he clocked it and realised that he was telling him to get out of the way because an ancient knight was charging at him.

The boy had a large bag on his back but he was still moving fast, he took a knife from his pocket, cut his hand slightly and began to manipulate the blood flowing from his hand, his took some out, closed the wound and created 2 sickles made out of hardened and crystallised blood, charging at the ancient knight, hooking the sickle in his right hand around the ancient knights neck, slamming him down onto the floor, then merging both sickles into a HUGE hammer which he slammed onto the ancient knight, knocking him unconscious. He took his helmet off, and shot a small shard of blood into his forehead, piercing the ancient knights brain and killing him.

"Who..." azmodeus mumbled, losing balance and collapsing to the floor, his eyes following the boy.

The boy sat down infront of azmodeus, holding the palm of his right hand outwards at azmodeus, his bleeding stopping, he then took out a needle and a small glass of liquid from his bag, injecting the needle into all of his wounds, they slowly healed, even his severed limbs were healing too.

"What's... Na- Your name...?" Azmodeus mumbled, with each syllable he spoke, blood spat out from his mouth.

"My name is Kage Akira, and you need to rest." Kage responded, flicking Azmodeus' forehead, making him fall unconscious...


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