17 - Scars

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"Oh my god..."

I was speachless. Percy's back was bloody and torn apart. His shirt, which I had thought was sweaty, was also covered in blood.

"Yeah, I know, Wise Girl. I need your help. You're the only person that can help," Percy said in a strained voice.

"Um, okay. Okay, I'll do whatever I can."

I got a large bucket of water a poured it slowly down his back. Blood dripped down into the drain. Percy was breathing heavily. He looked down at the tub, now covered in his blood.

"I'll get you some water."

I ran to the kitchen to grab him a glass. Thank god my family was gone.

"Here, drink up. I have a soft rag here. I'm going to stop the bleeding."

I placed the rag near the middle of his back, where most of the bleeding was, and gently pushing down to apply pressure. Percy let out a groan, but submerged it so I could keel going.

After ten minutes, the blood stopped flowing.

"Bandages. Okay, bandages."

I ran to the medicine cabinet in the my kitchen. In there, I found a large roll of soft gauze stuff to wrap his back in.

"Do you need help putting it on?" I asked.

Percy shook his head. "I'm good. Thanks, Annabeth."

"When you're ready, come upstairs to my room, okay?"



As I wrapped the gauze around myself, my mind wandered to the fight Annabeth and I had. Maybe we could make up, and she would tell me what I did wrong.

After covering the last of my cuts, I trudged up the steps as Annabeth had instructed. I heard her voice in one of the rooms and knocked. Annabeth opened up.

"Yeah, Dad. Everything's fine," Annabeth said. "Yeah, I'll take care of myself perfectly. Okay, yeah. Love you, bye."

She turned to look at me. We stood in silence for a long time. I really wanted to hug her. But I didn't have to.

Annabeth placed her hands on my neck, pulling me down to kiss her. It felt so good to be able to be with her again. To feel her soft hair under my fingers as I ran my hand through it. To feel her soft velvet lips pressed against mine. It worked better than any other bandage she'd given me.

"Why did you do it, Perce?" She asked, pulling away and looking straight into my eyes.

"Do what?" I asked. But nothing really mattered right now. All I was doing was staring at her lips as she spoke gibberish.

"You, you cheated on me," Annabeth said, pain in the grey eyes I'd come to love.

"What? I never cheated on you," I said, pulling her body closer until there was no space between us. "Why would I ever do that?"

"I saw you, Percy. With Drew behind the school that day."

"Wait, what? I kissed her? Oh! Yeah, I was helpibg her up, but then she pulled me so I fell on top of her. Then she kissed me, but I pulled away."

"So, bad timing?" She said, blushing. Her rosy cheeks accented the small smile playing on her cheeks. Her hair was flying everywhere, just the way I liked it.

"Bad timing. I would never cheat on you. Especially with someone like Drew."


"Let's not talk her anymore, okay? I really wanna thank you. I'm pretty sure you just saved my life."

"It was nothing, Seaweed Brain. But what happened? What made him hurt you like that?"

I sighed, leading Annabeth to her bed.

"Oh, no. You're going to lay down. Rest, okay? You've been through a lot," Annabeth said, gently pushing my chest so I had to lay down.

"You deserve to listen to what happened."

"And I will," she said, crawling onto the bed to sit next to me. I grabbed her hand and forced her to lie down.

"I, um, annoyed Gabe a lot today. He was drunk and mad. He'd hurt me the other day, too. I didn't go to school because it hurt so much. Today, it happened again. I pushed him too far."

"Why don't you tell anyone?"

I sighed, pulling her body closer. She rested a hand on my chest. I turned my body to face her directly and lay on my side.

"Because if I told the police or my mom, they'd get divorced. Gabe helps us a lot with financial stuff. We couldn't afford a house without him. Or at least not a nice home."

"I'm sorry, Perce. Our fight just caused more stress in your life. Why didn't you tell me?"

I smirked. "Yeah, let me tell you about what's going on in life while you ignore me."

"Ah, you're making me feel worse," Annabeth whined.

"Hey, what time is it?"

Annabeth looked at her phone. "It's like, seven."

"How long have I been here?"

"About an hour. It took some time to clean you off."

I groaned. "This sucks."

"You'll be fine, okay? I'll fix you up better than any hospital. Luckily, you don't need stitches and no glass pieces or residue got in your wounds. You can sleep one the living room couch tonight. As long as you don't do something perverted and stupid."

"Okay, I won't do anything perverted, but knowing me, I'll do something stupid, like fall off the couch and reopened all my wounds."

"Of course you will. And I'll be there with you when you do." Annabeth got up. "I'll clean your shirt, okay. I'm not giving you a new one of my dad's because you'll really reopen your wounds, being the Seaweed Brain you are."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes playfully.

"I'm going to go make dinner for us, Perce. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"I can't promise you anything!" I yelled back at her as she walked away.


I feel awful guys i have no excuse bc i have no lfe so i wasnt doing anything.

Did ur wattpad get an update?


Doesn't this look kewl

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