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So woke around 5:16

Currently 6:18

Forgot the date!

Tuesday February 20th 2024

Okay. So I had a one on one fight with my self trying to figure out weather to take the trash or not. I chose to do it early in the morning. My dad won't be home tonight. So hone alone Yay!!! Finally pace from him....for some time. This may be a crazy day....yeesh. kind of wish I was off but at least I got myself wattpad to talk about my day into. Okay that might be just the main reason I got this for. That's kind of why I stopped on branchishot. Witch I'm still on just won't be as much cause I'm trying to get this up.

So back to the trash.

So I don't really like doing things after a long day at school. Parents don't understand that it can be tiring and make us work. I wanna work but I'm so tired, my brains fried. The only parents who will ever understand are parents that are teachers. They get rest!!! It ain't fair. You think that having a dad work with trash is easy? No.

It's kind of like living with a person who owns a building. It's not fun.

And I struggle with real friends. Oh you'll get friends with your dad's trash money. Secret...they'll use you for your money....I didn't see it cause of how easily I'm talked into stuff...*signs* I should of knowned better.

He also blamed my friend as well. And let's say she got into this whole fight with her mom. Then she was depressed for the whole week. I felt bad for her.

So back to the trash. When I get home I'll be very tired and feeling like nothing and got other things to do. So I will do it now then later. The trash is out when I go ill have to quickly do it. So when I come home. One less thing I gotta do. Currently watching YouTube on the world's most evil kids. Not all are evil. Some just are mad and some are kids that are just like 3 and all and don't understand a thing.

Anyways. I might have to be doing it in a bit cause my buss comes at 3:40. It used to come a bit late. Don't remember the hold up. It's me first then two other kids from where my school is located. Yeah they could walk but their autistic. Like I don't know how to explain it without getting angry kids. I got a slight autism. So it not like I'm throwing them under. I think it's because they aren't good at direction. Yeah not all are good normally but that's not what I mean. If you understand you understand. I don't wanna say it without hurting anyone.

I'm listening to music and doing this at the same time and it's not easy for. It's kind of distracting but it's also calming at the same time. So it's bad and good at the same time.

It his Antarctica out here🤣🤣🤣

I got a winter jacket and I'm and shivering and we got our good old homies out here in damn shorts. You all are possessed or something.

Oh, i got coffee. What am I doing.

Don't taste de best....it has to be the sugar.

Ew one of my songs from 2023 is up. Karma. That's what it's called. It's kind of old. Where the hell is this damn bus!!! Oh not at 40 it's 6: 39.

I can't feel my fingies


It's a lryic in the song. I told you it's crazy. It's bouncing from good, branch anna. Ooo skyler is up. See, it's all over the place....like my feelings💀💀💀

I'm going to turn into and icicle if they don't get there ass over here.

Damn they later as he'll. 6:43. Finally!!! They just got here.

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