my first love

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I walked around the roads. Where am I? I had no idea. As i walked rain started pouring heavily as my blue tank top was soaked with rain. I was cold and started getting goose bumps out of no where. I as I walked looking for something to keep me warm and out of the rain I heard footsteps. I wasen't  sure if it was footsteps because of the rain making such noise. But as it got closer i was sure it was footsteps and started walking faster in a hurry. It got more close so i started running so hard that I slipped hard an fell on my bum causing me to cry. Tears where formed out of nowhere. I got scared, hurt as my ankle was killing me. I saw a shadow formed as it got closer and closer with their footsteps splashing on the wet road making the rain give me chills as it touched my sensitive cold skin. "ppllleeaaasssseeee dddddoonnntttt hhhuurrrtttt mmeeehhhh..." I said  as the shadow of the man got closer and bent down to get in the same height. The light of the streets only showed his outline. I saw his blue shiny eyes glitter and twinkle between all that darkness. It calmed me down a bit and my heart was telling m to trust him cause all I saw was comfort, trust and safety. I started to panic and shiver from the cold "Shhhhhhhhh it's ok I wont hurt you,'' he said in a voice that made my heart melt like chocolate. A hug came from nowhere that gave me warmth as his body touching mine not giving a chance of space between us. My head was on his chest as I heard hos rhythmic heartbeat and my hands on his abs. That was the last thing I remember after my eyes shut and i slept without no control.

my first loveWhere stories live. Discover now