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Care to text?😁

Lisa ignore the message from an unknown number. But her phone vibrates again.

AlS please? 😁

Few second another's message came

if you don't know what its stand for, it's AGE, SEX, LOCATION!🤪

Again the phones vibrates

are you busy?☹️


don't you have a finger to type?😒


I know your reading my messages!😣


fine! If you don't want a text mate just go rot in hell with your fingers and phone!😈

Lisa take a deep breath.. this was the first time she got this kind of messages cause she never give her number to anyone aside from the peoples that matters to her. Except to... she close her eyes. She probably have idea who's this annoying person who texted her.

Her phone vibrates again

you don't have any sense at all! Throw your phone in the garbage or in the river cause it's useless!👹👿👻💩☠️👽😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Lisa just blocked the number. She then focus on what she's doing.

"What with the grumpy face?" Rosè sit down at her side

" it's my normal face"

" nope, your Normal face is like this." Rosè trying to copy Lisa's expressionless face "but now you look likes this " Rosè knitted her eyebrows

" funny..." Lisa elbow Rosè  and the latter scratch the area lisa hit

" awww, why your so boring?"

" because I am boring, somebody texted me. She said I go rot in hell"

" can I see?" Lisa show her phone to Rosè

" this is so funny, who might this be?"

"It's Jennie"

"How did you know?"

" there's only few of you who knows my number, and then earlier I call and message bambam. Her brother would not that kind to prank me"

"Uhmm, your right.. actually wait" Rosè take her phone.

* hello?*

"Bam, did you receive Lisa'smunber?"

* hi Rosè, I haven't received any*

"Ah okay, then I send it to you again"

* ow thank you, actually I misplaced my phone and I couldn't find it until this morning.  Thanks to my sister she found it*

"Is that so? Well it's okay bam, I'll send to you now"

* thanks Rosè, I wanted to ask Lisa about the policy she mentioned to me last time*

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