Oh Dear

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It was the first time we slept together in a bed that was truly ours. Not a bedroll or a bed in a tavern that slept thousands, but a bed that was bestowed to us for our troubles. We deserved it, and we put up a good fight with the departed. As we laid upon what was his- a velvet red comforter with gold embellishments we stared at the ceiling. The gothic cathedral type ceiling looked back at us with its empowering glow. The sun beamed in and its beauty shined, roses were engraved in the ceiling in a beautiful gold that matched the bed set. But I couldn't help but wonder what horrors could of took place between the 4 walls around us. Did any spawn ever get graced to see the beauty of the room? Or if they did i doubt theysawn it as I did. As a thing of beauty.  Never on our adventures had I seen a ceiling that displayed power and wealth until today. The entirity of the room reminded me of blood and wealth, the red hues were surrounding us, if I was vampire I would always need my fix being in here

"Are you there, little love? You seem elsewhere." he lightly growled into my neck

"Yes, just admiring the room. Astarion... what's going to happen? I mean, surely people are going to wonder what happened to the palace's last occupants. "

"I can forge some signatures and make this place truly ours, in name and decorum of course.Leave that to me, worry not, my dear, you helped plenty already. Come, lets celebrate!" he grinned proudly and confidently

I found a couple of bottles of wine that wouldn't taste of piss and vinegar and ran along to wherever he was taking me.

We arrived into the dining area, and he grabbed me under the chandelier, center of the room, kissing me enthusiastically, before setting me on a round clothed table and then kissing down my neck, lightly nibbling

" I thought one of the greatest perks of being ascended was not having to feed off people?" I questioned

"Oh, my love. One of the greatest perks of life is being able to taste you. Whether its needed or not, it is wanted. I wake up every day craving the perfection that is you" he seductively said while looking up at me from my neck

He stopped and looked upon my face as I was in ecstasy

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