Every Throne Has Its Thorns

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There you go, Lady Ancunin! Curls really suit you, the Lord will be so pleased!”

“Thank you, Veronica. I have a question. How did you come to work for my fiancé?”

“Actually I came to him. You see, the previous resident of the house rejected my services, my age didn’t please him but as you can see, I clean fast as can be! I had hoped the new owner was more open minded. He keeps a roof over my head and food in my belly. I couldn’t ask for more.” Veronica explained to me.

“Do you know the other servants name? I’ve only seen him once before and never again, in the main hall with you yesterday. “

“Ah, yes. That’s Sven, he’s always in the kitchen or making supply runs for the castle. He sometimes tends to the garden aswell. Every week or so he will get produce, meat, wine, or other necessities for the palace.” She explained. “Yesterday he was helping sweep because we want the hall to look perfect for tomorrow.”

“What’s tomorrow?” I looked at her quizzically.

“Why silly, it’s the day the people will come admire the newly engaged couple!” she smiled at me.

I was perfectly dolled up as Veronica put it, not a hair out of place and I smelt of fresh lilacs. I wore a beige and emerald green dress with a built in corset. I walked my way to the main hall.



“Right there, its perfect!” Astarion yelled with pure excitement at a delivery man. He was placing my throne besides his,  which was no longer in the center. We were both equally lined up to the halls rug in the center.

Wow. I’m surprised I didn’t get a small throne off to the side just so he could show that he still had more power than I, regardless of his words. Maybe I need not to doubt him as much.



“Ah, there she is! My sweet. Come. Tell me how your throne feels.” Proudly and pleased he boasted.

I got closer and approached my throne. It felt wrong to have one, like I viewed myself more important than others. Even though I was the hero of Baldur’s Gate, and never got rewarded for it, I still felt like I didn’t deserve it. I never felt so unworthy in my life. I fell down to the floor, crying into the seats cushion trying to muffle the sound. I could tell my makeup was now smeared.


Astarion sped to my side and picked me up. He sat down and held me in his lap. I sobbed into his shirt which I’m sure cost him hundreds.


“Oh my Queen, what is the matter? This should be one of the happiest moments of your life.” He whispered into my ear, as I sobbed.

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