Shame On Me

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tw: emotional,death,violence

My leg had completely stopped hurting at this time, the only thing that hurt was the question of why me? Why was I targeted? I was considered a hero to many people and an enemy to many aswell. Was it bhaal worshippers for killing Orin? Was it someone involved with the Absolut? Or revenge for Cazador? Could it have been a straggler of the Gur? Or maybe someone found out about the Duke? So many endless possiblities, there was no narrowing it down.


I had finally gotten the courage to get out of bed, Astarion was nowhere to be found. A note was under the door.



We got someone that belongs to you. Bring 500 gold to the docks to the cloaked man, or her death is on you. Trust me, you’ll want to pay. Only then will you discover why she was taken by us. Come alone.


I hurryingly shoved the note in my pocket and got ready for the day. I bathed then I put on a beige corset with a bronze skirt, ready for the day. I strapped a blade against my thigh, and threw my hair into a braid with a dahlia flower tucked away in it. I left our room, looking around for Astarion. He was in the main hall with a group of new guards. I stood back and hid, listening in on them.


Every doorway will have two of you, clearly one at a post wasn’t enough, that way if one of you is downed the other can still attack, or warn the others. I will be putting up arcane locks up during important events, to ensure nobody gets away, this will never happen again, am I clear?”


I knew Astarion would never agree to let me leave, especially after almost dying forever. I would have to be sneaky. I’m sure it was my killer, but I had to find out to be sure.


We drank lunch together like always and had more of yesterday’s feast. It was still as delicious surprisingly, very high quality ingredients. The kitchen had new staff now- a female named Lia. She wore her hair up in a bun, and had to be just a few years older than me. She had a thick accent I couldn’t quite put my tongue on.


We went out to the city to attend the Wine Festival. Thankfully we couldn’t end up like poor Cora on our adventures due to our keen sense of smell. Our drinks kept getting poured, one after the other and before we knew it, it was dinner. We headed back to the palace, slurring our words, and laughing.



Astarion had more wine with dinner and called it an early night. I wasn’t sure if he was suspecting me of wanting to leave, or if he read the note earlier, and pretended he didn’t, to see if I’d tell him or not. After he went to bed I waited an hour before checking on him. He was passed out, snoring.



I drank a potion of invisibility and snuck my way out, past the guards. I walked south until I seen the water, and docks. I approached them, at this point my potion of invisibility wore off, and curiosity was killing me. A cloaked man was staring before me. He removed his hood and my jaw dropped.

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