Here Cums The Bride

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Today was the day the people of Baldur’s Gate would come visit us, bowing to us, and some offering gifts. I always thought it was ironic, why are the poor giving to the rich? I get it’s to show appreciation to the King and Queen  but I always thought of the tradition to be a little ass backwards. I’d rather use gold giving food to the poor or providing them with clothing. Too many refugees,  and the unfortunate were scattered around Rivington and Baldur’s Gate.



Veronica and another woman got me ready for the day. It seemed like Astarion hired her just for the day, as she wasn’t wearing a maid outfit. She did my makeup as Veronica did my hair. This time she did an updo and I could feel its tightness around my head.


Baldur’s Gate has been ran by the four grand dukes for as long as I could remember. Never was there a queen or king to rule the city. The council of the four – well now three, will still monitor our activity and make sure we are fit to rule to the publics face. They mostly have the final say in our decisions and can have the people vote against our decisions if they please, we are mostly just for appearances since the council doesn’t cater to the people, not in person.



Duke Ravengard was the elected chairman but now the position remains open. Astarion reached out to them, a couple weeks after his disappearance (of course after it was published about in the gazette), to let them know the people need someone they can look up to, and can talk to, the city was too big not to have someone reign it, and the responsibilities shouldn’t rely soly on the three of them. Not when they hardly venture into the city. We could go on strolls and talk to the citizens ourselves, taking their needs into consideration.


I wore an amethyst colored dress with silver accents and black lace, it was gorgeous, a gown I’ve never seen in my wardrobe before. Astarion was getting ready in my old room as we wanted to surprise eachother. He had revealed to me that this wasn’t just an unveiling for our new positions, and that we were to be married prior to the ceremony that way we truly King and Queen, we wouldn’t want people to find out we weren’t married prior to our newcome nobility, it would be as scandalous as a bastard child to the people in the city.


He already had told a couple people to call me Lady Ancunin so I had assumed he had this planned, the overly confident man knew I couldn’t refuse his proposal. He’s lucky I love him, I’d hate to let him down. It was then that the thought had crossed my mind. Did he kill the Duke to make room for him for a position? Would he kill another? I nearly forgotten about poor Sven aswell. I wondered if he was still compelled, I wasn’t quite sure how it all worked or how long the compulsion last, he’s never compelled me that I know have. It was moments like this I still wished I had the tadpole in my head, to ensure that he never could compel me.


I walked down to the main hall stopping at the entrance, and gazed upon my beloved. He wore a silver long sleeved button up shirt with a black vest over it with silver intricate designs on the vest, and an amethyst colored tie. He looked majestic, straight out of a fairy tale. We looked like the ultimate power couple. He turned around to look at me, his smile going ear to ear.

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