the last pool party || prologue

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"Ugggghhhh," Janis groans, pulling herself out of Regina's pool and dramatically flopping onto the warm concrete, "I can't believe summer is over already! I swear it just started yesterday."

Responding scoffs and groans echo from the others in attendance. If  you had told Janis that she would be spending her last day of summer freedom hanging out and swimming with those that she recently considered her mortal enemies, she would have cackled.

"Janis!" Gretchen screeches, "stop mentioning it! We don't want to think about it!"

"Seriously, JJ, let us live out the rest of our summer in peace and willful ignorance!" Damian chimes in, pushing his sunglasses onto the top of his head. Cady sits on his shoulders, poised and ready for another chicken fight.

"You guys are trying to silence me." Janis deadpans, still laying face down on the concrete.

"I don't know," Regina finally chimes in, sitting prettily on a lounge chair, the only one not in the pool. "I'm kind of excited."

"Because you finally get to play a sport, right Gina?" Karen asks, head barely peeking out from the water, and struggling to keep Gretchen balanced on her shoulders.

"Yes, Karen, I'm excited for softball tryouts," Regina agrees. Karen is the easiest person to be nice to. Because that's her new thing now. Being nice. It kind of sucks. "But I'm also excited to be able to finally chill the fuck out a little bit. My therapist says I have control issues so I'm working on it." she finishes.

Cady scoffs, "I don't think you needed a therapist to tell you that, Regina." she giggles, her friends all joining in. Regina pulls an exaggerated shocked face, sitting up from her reclined position.

"You guys all suck." She pouts.

"Regina has been doing great this summer, she has only told me to shut up like 12 times!" Gretchen encourages, looking around at the group.

"Yes, Regina is working on herself and slowly pulling the stick out of her ass." Janis agrees.

Regina nods proudly. "I just hope my back agrees with my new athletic plan." She says quietly.

"Didn't you say it's been getting better?" Cady asks.

"It's better yeah, but I still got hit by a fucking bus a few months ago." She snaps. Cady looks down, still feeling guilty about the whole bus thing.

"Oh buzz off Cady, you know it wasn't your fault." Regina comments.

"I knowwww," she whines, "you've told me a million times, G,  but I can't help it!"

"If you let me beat you in a chicken fight will you feel better?" asks Regina.

"Ahh! Are you finally getting in?" exclaims Karen.

Regina stands up, throwing her friends a big grin as she throws her head back laughing.

"Yes," she giggles, before cannonballing into the pool, splashing the group with a wave of warm pool water.

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