mariokart || ch. 19

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"Wow, look at our sporty girls!" Damian cheers as you walk into Regina's room on a Friday in early March after practice.

"What are you guys doing in my house?" Regina asks the group.

Everyone is gathered there, lounging around her room like they own the place.

"Your mom let us in!" Cady supplies.

"We're having a sleepover!" Gretchen excitedly informs. "You're so busy after school every day for practice now." She pouts.

"I know," Regina agrees, "I've been missing you guys. I need a shower, though." She puts an arm around your shoulder and kisses you on the cheek in goodbye. "I'll be out in a minute." She bids, walking into her bathroom.

"You sure you don't want to join her?" Janis jokes dryly. You flip her off and the whole group dissolves into laughs.

"Babe! Come here!" Regina calls from the bathroom. You blush an even brighter shade of red.

"Go on, babe." Gretchen teases. You roll your eyes and enter the bathroom.

"Here you go, you can go shower in the guest bath, okay?" She offers, holding out a bundle of clothes.

"Okay, thanks Regina." You agree, taking the clothes.

A while later, you and Regina are both freshly showered and back in her room. She has given you a pair of white sweatpants and a pink tank top, but without the warm air of the bathroom, you're freezing.

You rub your hands up and down your arms, then look to Regina where she's showing Karen and Cady something on her phone.

"G," You say as you nudge her with your foot. "I'm cold." You complain.

"Come here, then." She suggests, patting the floor next to her.

"No," You whine, "get me a sweatshirt, please." She smirks.

"What's the magic word?" She teases.

"No. Fuck you, I'll get it myself." You deny, standing up and moving to walk to her closet. As you pass her, Regina grabs and holds your ankle, causing you to fall dramatically to the floor.

"You bitch!" You yell.

"Say the magic word and I'll go get you a sweatshirt," She says with a grin.

"No!" You deny, wrenching your ankle out of her grasp and attempting to stand up.

Regina reacts faster than you, and the next thing you know she's on top of you and you're both yelling, words overlapping and accompanied by the laughter of your friends.

Regina grabs your shoulders and pushes down. You glare up at her.

"Pretty please will you get me a sweatshirt, Gigi." You mumble.

She smiles, patting you on the cheek condescendingly. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" She asks.

A few seconds later, a balled up sweatshirt hits you in the chest.

"Please tell me someone got that on video." Damian says as you pull it on.

"I got it!" Karen laughs.

"I'm ordering pizzas," Regina says, changing the subject. "Two cheese, one pepperoni?" She confirms. It's the usual order for the group.

Everyone agrees and she goes on her phone to order.

"Let's play MarioKart!" Cady suggests.

"Ooo yes!" You agree. You and Gretchen immediately turn to each other, eyes blazing.

"I'm Toadette!" You say in unison.

"You were Toadette last time!" She whines.

"No I wasn't, you were!" You argue.

"Cut it out, you two, Karen is Toadette this time. Or, just don't play at the same time and you can both be Toadette. I only have four controllers." Regina cuts in, gently flicking Gretchen on the forehead.

You take a turn first, absolutely decimating the competition, and then let four new people take a turn.

You hear the doorbell ring from downstairs. Regina, unwilling to tear her eyes from the screen as she plays, speaks to the room. "Someone go get that."

You roll your eyes and go retrieve the pizzas.

The round is over when you return, so you're swarmed with hands as you set them down on the floor. Everyone lays on their stomachs with the pizza boxes in the middle and starts eating.

"When is your guys' first game?" Cady asks between bites.

"On Wednesday!" You tell her.

"It's an away game, though," Regina adds, "Our first home game is on Thursday."

"Well, we will all be there to watch!" Cady says.

"Awww," You coo, "You guys don't have to do that!"

"We want to!" Damian says. From beside him, Janis pulls a face that tells me she's not so keen. Or, like Janis does, is pretending not to want to to seem cool.

The rest of the group agrees with him, though, and you're even more excited for the game now.

The pizzas are eaten, and many more rounds of MarioKart are played before you all wind down for the evening. You start yawning at midnight and rest your head on Regina's shoulder.

"Let's go," She says, pulling you up by the hand.

You get to work blowing up air mattresses and setting pillows on the couch in her room.

You yawn again.

"I need to brush my teeth," You whine.

You're stood next to Regina in her bathroom, both brushing your teeth as your friends filter in to wash their faces or hands or brush their teeth. Regina ends up sitting on the counter to clear the space in front of the sink, and you stand between her legs and lean back into her.

When you're done, you return back to her, facing her this time. You rest your hands on the edge of the counter and crane your neck, Pickering your lips for a kiss.

Regina gives you a look. "I have toothpaste," She says, still brushing her teeth.

"Mm hmm," You agree.

Regina rolls her eyes and removes the toothbrush from her mouth. She leans down and connects your lips in a sweet peck.

"EW!" You hear from the door, and turn to see Janis slamming the door.

"They're making out in there!" You hear her muffled yell through the door.

Regina rolls her eyes, gives you another kiss, and hops off the counter. She puts her toothbrush back where it belongs, and turns to leave. You grab her by the hand to stop her and turn her back towards you.

You lean in and give her another kiss.

You return to her room to catcalls from everyone. Regina shuts the lights off.

"Goodnight, losers." She bids, flopping onto her bed beside Cady. You join her on the other side and quickly fall asleep.

some fluff fo today
love you all dearly and im distraught that spring break is almost over
see you tomorrow!

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