hot chocolate || ch. 11

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Regina is kissing you. On the mouth. Currently.

Your eyes shoot open at the firm pressure on your lips, but seeing that hers are closed, you close them again, losing yourself in the moment.

Tilting your head, you move your lips with hers in a soft dance. Her hands move to either side of your face, thumbs brushing back and forth under your jaw.

Regina opens her mouth and takes your top lip in between hers. Feeling her tongue run its way across your lips draws a muffled sound from you. Before you can open your mouth to deepen the kiss, she's pulling back from you.

You quickly realize that she's responding to the sizzling coming from the stove, her pot boiling over.

"Shit," She curses, turning off the heat and working towards making the mugs of hot chocolate.

You're still stood a few feet away, dazed, with your mind racing.

What the fuck was that?!

"Regina, what..." You address her.

"I'm, um, I'm sorry. About that." She says, still focused on the task in front of her.

"No, no, it's okay," You assure her, "But, uh, why, did you...?" You trail off.

"I don't know." She says, and you can tell that she is closing herself off.

Do you push it, or let it go?

You decide to push it.

"Is this, is it about what you asked me yesterday?" You posit.

"Yes. N-no. I don't know!" She says in a panic, her voice sounding choked up.

You take a step toward her, raising your hand to run over her back. The second she feels you touching her, she flinches away.

"Don't touch me!" She yells.

You raise your hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay." You agree. Regina still hasn't looked at you since she pulled away.

"Help me carry these." She demands, gesturing to the mugs in front of her.

"Regina, can we- do you want to talk about this?" You ask, exasperated with her behavior at this point.

"Obviously not, can you back the fuck off?" She snaps. She gathers some mugs into her hands and takes off towards her room. You quickly gather the rest and follow her.

When you join the rest of the group, Regina is handing out mugs to her friends, so you head to Damian and Janis to give them each a mug.

"Thank you, baby!" Damian enthuses. You give him a tight smile that doesn't reach your eyes.

Janis, next to him notices the look as you hand her a mug.

"You okay?" She asks with a concerned look.

"Yeah," You agree untruthfully.

Her concerned look doesn't drop, but you move on to hand Cady her hot chocolate.

She thanks you, and takes an indulgent sip with a hum. She turns around to address Regina, across the room.

"Can we watch a Christmas movie?" She asks brightly.

"Yeah, here." Regina agrees, tossing Cady the remote to her TV. She walks to her light switch and turns them off, cutting off the conversations around the room, drenching it in silence.

Cady, oblivious to the tension in the room, selects Elf and starts it. Maybe only you and Regina can feel the tension.

Your mind races, paying no attention to the movie.

Regina is confused, that much is for sure. What you don't know, however, is if she kissed you because she truly wanted to, or if she was curious about how it would feel. Knowing Regina, getting an answer to this questions is going to be harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

Does Regina like you? Do you like her? Duh, you like her. While you've known her, you've been able to see her, really see her. You've seen her in pain, crying, laughing, even seen her embarrassing herself, a thing that you know very few people have been able to see. To you, Regina George is gorgeous, inside and out.

Regardless, you know that you and Regina have a special relationship. Then again, what if it's only special to you? The possibility tears at your heart.

You can't be here, you decide. Picking up your phone, you make a big deal of it and walk out of the room, closing the door behind you. After a few minutes, you walk back in.

"Sorry guys," You whisper, interrupting the movie, "My mom just called and needs some help, I'm going to head home."

"Is she okay?" Karen asks, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, she's just throwing up and needs some help." You lie.

"Let us know if you need anything!" Cady wishes.

"Of course, thank you. Bye, guys." You bid, walking out of the room.

You receive a chorus of goodbyes. Regina stays silent.

You feel oddly free. You have two weeks off of school ahead of you, and barely any plans. Regina can take her fucked up mind games and shove them up her ass, you don't have to see her for a while. Hopefully she figures herself out.

Fuck, now you're crying.

Of course Regina George doesn't like you. Why would she? Her, with her perfect clothes and her perfect hair and her perfect... everything. Regina could pull anyone she wanted, lesbian or not, it was fucking stupid of you to hope that you would be that one.

Before you know it, you're back at your house, stomping in with tears still flowing down your face.

"Hey honey, what's- what happened?" Your mom coos as she sees you.

"It's nothing mom, I'm okay." You assure.

She gives you a wry smile, caressing your hair.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it now, sweetie, why don't you go take a shower and head to bed, and we can talk tomorrow?" She poses.

You release a deep breathe.

"Okay, that sounds good, mom." You send her a small smile.

"Good. Now, I'll put a towel and your pj's in the dryer, tell when you're all done and I'll bring it to you, okay hun? Doesn't that sound nice?" She encourages.

"Thank you." You say, looking into her eyes.

She leans forward and kisses your forehead.

"Go." She smiles.

Throwing your bag down on your bed, you turn your phone on do not disturb and sit down heavily, your head in your hands.

You pick up Regina's gift and page through. Crying renewed, you're stuck in between a million different emotions. Sadness, love, pain, hate, joy, fear; all are roiling around in your brain as you flip through your memories with Regina.

How dare she.

You love her.

How dare you love her.

She's just confused.

Regina needs a therapist.

She has one; she needs to see her therapist.

Fuck her.

You love her.

She's just confused, everything will be fine.

She's just confused, nothing will be fine.

You laugh, having gotten to the end of the photos.

'Room for a million more memories with you <3'

God, you hope that's true.

lol ANGST time besties!

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