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As a junior at Northwestern, you don't have many nights that aren't filled with meetings, homework, or research for your next paper.

"Come the fuck on, you said you would," Your girlfriend whines, poking you on the cheek repeatedly before you slap her hand away.

"I know, I'm sorry, but that was before I got all these sign-ups, I have to make sure that I'm ready." You apologize.

"They're not until Monday, you have plenty of time to prepare, I promise. I'll even help you! We can role play!" She offers.

"Regina," You sigh.

"Are you really going to leave me there by myself? With all those gross guys?" She prods.

You can't help but laugh at that. You scoot back slightly from your desk, and Regina sits herself on your lap, putting her arms around your neck.

"Regina, literally everyone knows not to mess with you. You've made it quite clear." You say with a smile.

"I want you there," She tells you.

"Okay, fine. But you're helping me prep later." You cave.

An hour later, you find yourself at a mixer at Regina's sorority house.

The girls all greet you by name as you walk by, your association with the recruitment chair making you well-known.

"Okay, I've got to go change, I'll be right back." Regina says, leaving you to go to her room and change.

You make small talk with the president of the sorority, a very nice (yet conniving) senior named Grace.

Regina returns a few minutes later, her choice of attire making you roll your eyes.

"You don't have to wear that every time," You tell her.

"Excuse me, my lovely girlfriend gave this to me as a gift," She says, referring to the shirt you gifted her at your high school graduation, which she is currently wearing. "It's very precious to me." She finishes, sticking her nose up at the end.

"I didn't mean that you had to wear it to every event you go to," You laugh.

"I have to let the people know," She smiles.

You have had this exact conversation at least once a month since you started college.

You were afraid, at first, that such a strong statement would hinder Regina from getting into her top sorority, and then from getting the position she wanted; but she was steadfast in her loyalty to that stupid shirt.

"You guys are too cute," Grace says with a smile.

"I know, right!" Regina laughs, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

Grace leaves, and as the night goes on, many drinks are consumed between the two of you.

You end up in a corner eventually, Regina standing in front of you.

"Are you excited to see everyone for Christmas?" You ask.

"I'm so excited," Regina says, almost crying already at the thought of seeing your friends from high school.

"Damian is bringing his boyfriend, I heard." You tell her.

"What!? Who said that?" Regina asks, never liking to be left out.

"Janis did," you inform.

"That bitch," She says.

"Baby, I want to go home now," You tell her, tired from a long week.

"Okay, we can go." She agrees.

"Are you coming? I though you were on clean-up?" You ask.

"I caught one of the freshman lying about her grades the other day, I'll make her do it." She says, looking around for the poor freshman. She takes off, seemingly having spotted her.

She returns to your side after a minute.

"Okay, let's go." She says, holding out her hand for you to take.

You and Regina walk hand in hand back to your apartment, through the cold Chicago wind. It's okay, you've faced much worse with her.

okay, so it's over over now

i'm actually so emotional about it so i'll try and keep this short

to every single person that has read this story, liked it, or commented on it, you have my whole heart. from the deepest pits of my being, thank you 💕 writing this was so much fun, but it was even more fun to be able to see your reactions to it. i'm having trouble coming up with the right words, so i'll just say it again: thank you

i have been able to make such fun and worthwhile connections with some people on here which i'm so grateful for, and i'm sad that the story is over. that being said, please feel free to strike up a chat with me any time, here or on instagram where my username is the same

i'll stop being a sappy fuck now, it's late and i have stuff to do in the morning

i love you all dearly, thank you for reading my silly little story <3

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