secret santa || ch. 9

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The first snow of the year falls on a Friday, much to your delight. A perfect excuse, you think, to blow off running the track tomorrow. In fact, it's the perfect opportunity to not work out at all tomorrow. You pose the idea to Regina at lunch, while the others discuss the possibility of a snow day. It's Illinois, you think; the snow will definitely be gone by Monday.

Regina raises her eyebrows at you, leaning across the table slightly and slaps her hand on your forehead.

"Are you feeling okay?" She laughs, "You're never the one who wants to cancel."

"Well, I was feeling fine until you gave me a TBI." You joke.

"Calm down, drama queen, I barely touched you," She gripes, retracting her hand.

"Haven't you guys been looking for a time to practice your performance, anyways?" You suggest.

"No," Regina starts, rolling her eyes, "Gretchen is looking for a time to practice. We've been doing it for seven years, it's muscle memory at this point; I don't need to practice." She argues.

"Yeah, because last years' went so well?" You smirk.

"You literally promised never to speak of that." Regina deadpans.

"You guys are doing that shit performance again?" Janis adds, exasperated.

"It's tradition!" Gretchen argues, "It's our last year of high school, we have to give the dance a proper send-off!"

"It is kind of fun, Janis, I'm excited!" Cady adds.

"Of course you are, you golden retriever." Janis quips.

"Gretch, we'll practice tomorrow to appease your perfectionism, but tomorrow is it." Regina bargains.

Gretchen nods excitedly, and is cut off by the bell ringing, signaling the end of lunch.

Making your way through the hallways, Gretchen appears at your side.

"How is your mom doing?" She asks.

"Good, actually! Her first round of chemo went fine, and our insurance approved a home nurse for a few days after she comes home from the hospital, otherwise I would have to stay home from school. Her next round isn't until the beginning of January." You update her.

"Amazing!" Gretchen exclaims. Her face shifts to horror, "Not that- I didn't mean to say that-" She cuts herself off, taking a deep breath. "You know what I meant." She smiles.

"Yes, I do. Thank you, Gretchen." You giggle. She can be so funny with her overthinking.

"Let me know if you need anything!" She bids goodbye as you enter your next class.

After school, the group gathers at Regina's house, as usual. Her mom ploys the group with cookies and hot chocolate, then forces us to shovel her driveway free from the snow. With only two shovels, it's more like you, Janis, and Karen trade off shoveling while the others attempt to build a snowman. Despite it being her second year in Illinois, Cady is enthralled by the snow.

One sweaty hour later, you're free from your jackets and lazing around in Regina's room.

"Regina, I'm so sweaty; please get off of me." You plead to the blonde, who has draped herself over you from behind while you sit on the end of her bed.

"Ew. You so are." She says, grimacing and pulling away.

"We need to draw for Secret Santa!" Karen yells, getting the whole groups' attention.

Karen and Damian had spearheaded a new initiative; a secret santa gift exchange so that everyone didn't have to buy 6 gifts.

Regina produces a hat from her closet, and all of the names are shoved in.

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