dresses || ch. 27

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The crack of a bat hitting a ball draws your attention; the ball coming straight at you on the ground. Head down, you field the ball cleanly, wind up, and throw the ball to first base, beating the runner there. She's out, and the game is over.

With the season drawing to a close, it now being mid-April, this win just solidified North Shore's appearance at the state tournament.

Cheers from your teammates can be heard from around the field, including Regina's from center field.

After a brief celebration, you line up and shake the other team's hands, their sullen faces doing nothing to detract from the joy of your team.

You get a pep talk from Coach Michaels, who is all smiles, a juice pouch, and get sent on your way back to the bus to go home.

"Good game, honey!" Your mom greets you as she packs up her things. Today she has a lovely green bandana around her head.

"Thanks mom, we're going to state!!" You squeal.

"I know, sweetheart, congratulations!" She says with a hug.

"I'll see you at home?" You ask, pulling away.

"Yes, I'll see you there. Don't be too late, okay?" She smiles.

"Okay, I love you!" You bid in goodbye.

After she leaves, you turn around to find Regina, packed and ready to get on the bus, standing behind you.

"Brush my hair?" She asks.

"Let me pack up first, geez," You laugh.

Regina follows you back into the dugout.

"I wish my mom came to games like yours does." She comments. "It's not like she's doing anything else," She laments.

"I'm sorry, baby." You console. "Do you think she'd come to state?"

She snorts mirthlessly. "I can't get her to come to a home game, you think she'd drive hours away for a whole weekend? Not happening."

You frown.

"I'm sorry, that sucks." You comfort. "Do you hear my mom cheering for you when you're up, though?"

"Of course I do, she's the best!" She smiles.

"Okay, let's go," You say, picking up your bag and walking toward the bus.

The two of you get settled on the bus, Regina offering you an airpod which you put into your ear. She's playing rap, which isn't your favorite, but you listen anyways.

Slowly, you remove the hair ties from her hair and take your fingers through the fine, blonde strands. Regina sighs in contentment and leans back against you. Grabbing the brush you had retrieved earlier, you start at the ends of her hair and slowly brush it out.

"Do you want to go dress shopping tomorrow?" She asks, breaking the silence between you.

"Yeah, that sounds fun. Where do we go for fancy dresses?" You ask.

"The mall. We can also go to some bridal stores, if we don't find anything." She informs you.

"Regina," You laugh, "You haven't even asked me to marry you!"

You can't see her face, but you know she's rolling her eyes at you.

"Ha ha, so funny," She says sarcastically. "Can I pick you up at like, noon?" She asks.

"Yeah, that works great." You agree.

Normally, you would go over to Regina's house on a Friday night, but you're still grounded from the unfortunate slapping incident.

senior year || regina george x readerWhere stories live. Discover now