party || ch. 17

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ok the besties have spoken, enjoy a double upload today (make sure to read ch. 16!)
buckle up and enjoy my dears

Your alarm goes off too early the next morning, despite going to bed at a semi-reasonable time.

You and Regina wordlessly amble around her room, getting ready for the day while waking up.

"Starbucks?" She asks.

"No, I'll puke I think." You decline.

"But I want it," She whines.

"Then we can go, silly. We have enough time." You confirm.

"But I only want something if you want something." She pouts.

"I don't want anything." You tell her.

She humphs. "I'll go make coffee downstairs, then."

You roll your eyes at her dramatics as she walks out of the room.

"Oh my god I'm so antsy," Regina whines as she parks her car at school.

"I told you you shouldn't have coffee." You gloat.

"Shut up, it's better this than falling asleep in the middle of it." She responds.

You laugh and climb out of the car, ready to face the second day of tryouts.

They go well all around. No fights, just poorly concealed glares, and both you and Regina are on your a-game today. If she doesn't make varsity, you'll eat your shoe.

Tryouts wrap up, and an anxious vibe descends over the group of girls. You have an hour wait for the coaches to make the rosters, then they'll be posted on the door.

Now, you think, is the perfect time for coffee. Regina rolls her eyes at you but acquiesces anyways, driving the two of you to the nearest drive through.

"I'm so excited for the party tonight!" Regina says happily.

"Me too, they're always pretty fun." You smile.

"High praise from my little wallflower." Regina jokes.

"Melody will be there for sure, so just steer clear, okay?" You encourage.

"Fine." She gripes.

Half an hour later, you're back at school, and still have 15 minutes until the roster is out.

You sit outside the gym, enjoying the sun even though it's not quite warm outside yet. Various other groups of girls are scattered around, waiting.

You see Sarah, another senior, making her way over to you.

"Hey guys," She greets, standing in front of you.

"Hey Sarah," you reply.

"Hey," Regina responds, having chatted with Sarah briefly at some workouts.

"You guys coming tonight?" She asks.

"Yeah we'll be there!" You confirm. "If this one makes the team," You joke, knocking shoulders with Regina.

Sarah rolls her eyes. "Duh she will, she's great."

"I'm right here." Regina cuts in, causing the three of you to laugh.

"Sorry, Regina," Sarah chuckles, "Excited to have you on the team." She wishes, turning to leave.

Regina has a radiant smile on her face.

A few minutes later, Coach Michaels appears with two pieces of paper, taping them to the door and quickly leaving before the mob of teenage girls surround her. You and Regina hang back for a second, waiting for some people to leave.

senior year || regina george x readerWhere stories live. Discover now