out || ch. 30

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You and Regina sit together, yet again, on the bus ride home. You talk about everything and nothing, definitely annoying your teammates around you who are trying to get some sleep.

Regina ended up texting a photo of the two of you last night to the group chat, telling everyone that you're back (?) together. It absolutely exploded with congratulations and well wishes, and it feels so good to have your friends rooting for you and standing behind you.

"What are we going to do at school?" You ask.

"What do you mean?" Regina asks, confused.

"I mean, are we going to go around telling everyone, or are we just going to act like normal? What do you want to do?" You clarify.

Regina gives you a look.

"Baby, I'm so proud to be your girlfriend, and it's definitely not a secret. We also don't owe them anything. Why don't we just act like we want to, and not care about what everyone else says." She proposes.

You smile bashfully.

"Okay," You agree. You stay silent for a moment.

"People are going to talk..." You warn.

Regina smiles. "Yeah, they are." She agrees. "I'm not going to say I'm not scared, but I think I'm ready. I have you, I have all of our friends behind us, so I'm ready. You make me so happy, it's so worth it." She reassures. "How are you feeling about it?" She asks.

"I'll be fine," You reassure. "It'll be weird to be talked about, but I've kind of been dealing with it since we became friends," You laugh. "Plus, I don't know if you know this," You tease, "But I have this cool new title of "most likely to turn Regina George gay" which I take lots of pride in."

Regina lightly smacks your arm with a smile. "Shut up,"

"I can't believe we only have three weeks of school left," You complain.

"I know, what are we going to do without practice every day?" Regina whines.

"I'll probably hang out with my girlfriend..." You tease.

Regina smiles and puts her arm around your shoulder, settling in for the rest of the bus ride.

You finally arrive back, grab your bags, and quickly head home, to the annoyance of your girlfriend.

The next morning, you meet Regina in the parking lot and walk into school together, like normal. You stop at both of your lockers, chatting with Gretchen and Damian, who show up as well, but are quickly interrupted by the bell.

Regina leans forward towards you, puckering her lips for a kiss. You oblige, giving her a peck goodbye before turning and walking towards your first period.

As the week goes on, you're pleasantly surprised by two things. The first is that with Regina by your side and your friends surrounding you, it has been insanely easy to ignore the chatter of the North Shore population. The second thing is that, there isn't that much.

It makes sense, when you think about it. You and Regina have been close all year, rumors about the two of you have spread through the school countless times. Maybe the student population has gotten bored of the incessant will-they-won't-they game that's been going on for the past 9 months.

Lord knows your friends have. They are jumping with joy and relief that the two of you are finally together.

"My little gay babies," Damian says, wiping an imaginary tear from under his eye on Thursday at lunch. "Finally happy and together."

You roll your eyes at his dramatics.

"Yeah, it took you guys a long time." Karen says matter of factly.

"I know, I know," You laugh.

"We've finally got it, though!" Regina defends.

"You guys both tortured us with your pining for the last 9 months, let us complain," Janis gripes.

"Both?" You ask.

Gretchen and Cady both turn to you with looks on their faces that say "seriously?"

"Regina was insufferable. Literally insufferable. For AGES!" Gretchen squeals.

You laugh, imagining Regina lamenting and pining about your relationship, like what you did to Janis and Damian, mostly.

You look across the table at her to see a blush across her cheeks, which makes you laugh more. You grab her hand and try to console her, but your laughing is interrupting you.

"Stopppppp," She whines.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," You say, collecting yourself. "That's just really cute. I was doing the same thing." You tell her.

"What are our plans for the dance?" Cady asks, always wanting a plan spelled out.

You chat amongst yourself about plans, mostly deciding to meet at the dance, then go to Regina's to have a sleepover afterwards.

You and Regina have a low conversation, separate from the group as they talk about the dance.

"Can you guys stop being gay for a second and join in the conversation?" Janis interrupts.

"No," Regina says, returning to your conversation. You laugh, turning to Janis.

"Sorry, what's up?" You ask her.

"We were saying," She emphasizes, "that Regina is obviously going to win queen, but we're wondering who's going to be king this year."

"I don't know if I'll win," Regina rebuts.

"Regina, you always win." Karen adds, bewildered.

"I've had a pretty intense fall from grace over the past year, who knows! I want one of you to win." She tells Karen and Gretchen.

Gretchen looks like she's about to cry.

"I voted for Damian for king, he's the only man I like." You tell the group.

Everyone agrees, and Damian looks touched.

The bell rings, and everyone packs up. Regina kisses you goodbye and walks down the hallway in the direction of her class.

"Janis," you start as you walk to class together, "Where did you get your flowers last year?" You ask.

"I'll send you the name of the shop," She tells you. "You're cutting it a little close, the dance is on Saturday." She warns you.

"Yeah, that's why I'm asking you today and not Saturday." You joke.

Janis shakes her head at you fondly.


whats up fuckers happy wednesday

as always,  thank you so so much for reading and i appreciate all of you immensely

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