talk? || ch. 13

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tw ~ 1 use of the d slur

You spend the majority of winter break hanging out at home. You and your mom did your typical Christmas traditions; baked cookies, put up the tree, went to look at the lights downtown, and she read you The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve. Opening your presents the next morning, sat with your mom on the floor and surrounded by soft Christmas lights, is a memory you won't forget.

You stay in contact with your friends, texting in your group chat regularly, but Regina never reaches out to you individually. If the others can tell that you two aren't responding to the others' message, they don't mention it.

And it really bothers you that Regina hasn't texted you. Regina is, unequivocally, your best friend. Not hearing from her or seeing her is leaving you feeling lonely and dejected.

In a low moment, you even regret befriending her in the first place. You had been fine before, making your own way through high school with little dramatics. Having and losing something might be worse than never having it at all. You tell your mom as such, a few days after Christmas as you're cooking dinner together.

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry you're feeling that way." She says with sympathy. "But I don't think that's true." She argues. You roll your eyes.

"No, I'm serious. If you knew that this was going to happen, would you really tell me that if you could go back in time and change things, you would?" She poses.

You think for a moment. Knowing how it would end, would you still do it?

"No, I don't think I'd change it." You whisper after a moment.

"I didn't think so." Your mom smiles, patting your back comfortingly. "And honey, it's not over yet. I have full faith that you and Regina will figure this out." She assures. "Regardless of your dynamic, it's obvious that the two of you care about each other so much. That kind of love doesn't just go away."

You nod with a sad smile. "I really hope so, mom. Speaking of, Janis said that her mom said that I could stay with them if I had to while you're in the hospital."

"Well I hope it doesn't come to that. If it does, just let me know, okay baby?" She agrees.

"Okay mama," You nod, "How are you feeling about going back to the hospital?" You ask.

"Well, I'm not excited, but I think I'll do just about anything to get better." She says.

"You're so positive," You marvel, shaking your head lightly.

"Well, I have a lot to get better for." She says, kissing your forehead. "You have so much life ahead of you, sweetheart, and I'm going to be here for so much of it, I promise." She says seriously. "I hate to say it," She mumbles, "but I'm so happy that you've made some friends this year. Figuring all of this out with Regina is going to help you, and, selfishly," She laughs, "I really love that you talk to me about it."

You laugh in response, "Thanks for enjoying my pain, mom."

"Oh, stop, you know what I meant." She giggles.

You really hope your mom is right, about Regina. That you'll be able to make up.

You want to know where you're staying before you have to, so you have to confront Regina before your mom goes back to the hospital. That gives you three days.

And, unsurprisingly, you wait until the last day you can. Having Regina's location, you know she's at home, relaxing after whatever New Years celebration she partook in. Bolstered with good luck wishes from your mom, Janis, and Damian, you head over to her house.

Letting yourself in, you walk gingerly up to her door.

You knock once, then open the door and walk in. Regina is sat up on her bed, her phone abandoned next to her.

"Hey," You greet, walking into the room and taking a seat at her desk.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, guarded.

"I wanted to talk," You start, "How was your Christmas?" You ask.

"It was fine." She says tersely. 

You sit silently for a moment. You've never been on this side of Regina's wrath, and this is much tamer than what you know she's capable of. Your Regina is warm and loving, not cold and mean.

"Regina..." You say, "I don't, I don't want us to be like this." You admit. Regina doesn't say anything. "You're my best friend, Regina, and I need you back." You plead, leaning forward and dropping your head in your hands.

Regina remains silent.

"Just, can you tell me why? It's not- it doesn't have to be a big deal." You assure her.

Regina pushes her lips together and furrows her brows, like she's about to cry. Yet, she doesn't say anything.

You sigh, feeling dejected. Maybe to Regina this is just the end of your friendship. You're disappointed; you thought that she would think that it was worth fighting for. You decide to try one more time.

"Please, Regina. Please just talk to me. We can figure it out, I promise." You plead.

"I don't think there's anything to figure out." Regina finally speaks.

"Regina, you haven't spoken to me in like two weeks, what do you mean you don't think there's anything to figure out?" You say, shocked.

"You haven't spoken to me either." She accuses.

"Well, you- you seemed upset. I wanted to give you some time to... think about it, before talking." You explain.

"To think about what?" Regina asks menacingly, almost daring you to continue.

"Your sexuality, Regina!" You explode. "It's okay to be confused, and scared, and I can help you! Just let me!" You yell.

She stares at you, face still closed off, no trace of the warmth you're usually greeted with.

"There's nothing for me to think about." She says blankly.

"I don't think that's true, Regina." You say gently, moving to sit next to her on the bed. She looks at you, finally. "Why did you kiss me?" You ask quietly, hoping to soften the blow.

You see the change in Regina as you ask. You thought that you had been making progress, chipping at her hardened exterior, but you saw it rebuilt instantly.

"Shut up, SHUT UP!" She yells, slapping her hands down on the bed. "I'm not like that! I'm not some fucking dyke like you!"

Your face drops.

Fuck this.

"Fuck off," You scoff, standing up and walking towards the door. Standing at the door, you turn back toward her.

"Fuck you, Regina, you don't get to call me that." You say, face screwing up to cry. "No one... has ever made me feel like shit for my sexuality. Leave it to you, my best fucking friend, to do it first. Fuck. You." You punctuate.

You turn around and stomp down the stairs.

more angst 😎
it will be resolved dw but i want the lesbians to suffer for a little
(poor bby regina the internalized homophobia is really popping off)

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