pool || ch. 34

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"Mama, I'm going over to Regina's okay?" You ask, peeking your head into her room.

She had just finished her (hopefully) last treatment at the hospital, and is spending a few days in bed to heal up.

She chuckles weakly, half-asleep, "You just spend 4 days there, honey, and you're already going back?" She jokes.

"Do you not want me to go?" You ask.

"No, I'm joking, sweetheart, go ahead and spend time with your girlfriend." She agrees.

"Okay," You agree, walking into her room to give her a kiss on the forehead. "How are you feeling?" You ask.

"Like I'm ready to be done with all this," She says with a sigh.

"Me too, mom, let's just hope this really was the last one." You agree.

"We'll see on Friday!" She says.

"Can't wait," You smile.

"Get going, I'll see you later." She encourages.

"Okay," You laugh, "I'll see you later," You say, leaving her room.

You, Regina, and all your friends have plans to celebrate the opening of her pool, now that the weather is warm enough to enjoy it.

You throw your bag containing sunscreen, your swimsuit, and a towel into your passenger seat and begin the drive to her house.

"Hey baby!" Regina greets as you enter her kitchen, "you ready to get tan?" She asks, lowering her sunglasses to peer at you over them.

You laugh, "I'm ready to annoy you about putting on sunscreen all afternoon."

"You're a buzzkill." She says.

"Excuse me for not wanting you to get skin cancer," You joke.

Regina shakes her head at you fondly.

"Speaking of cancer, how's your mom feeling?" She asks, snacking on some celery that you assume her mom had put out.

"She's good! We're finding out if the chemo worked and we're all done on Friday." You tell her.

"And then graduation on Saturday? You're such a busy girl," She jokes.

"We're here, bitches!" Damian announces as he, Janis, and Karen enter the front door.

"Hi guys, welcome!" Regina greets, "Snacks, drinks, and pool," She says, gesturing around her kitchen and into the backyard.

Damian appears next to you, throwing his arm over your shoulders and giving you a squeeze.

"Hey pook, how's the mom?" He asks.

"She's good; hopefully we're all done!" You say with a smile.

You all stand around and chat for a few minutes, snacking and waiting for Gretchen and Cady to show up.

"I'm going to go put on my swimsuit," You say, picking up your bag. "Regina, put on some sunscreen now, please." You tell her, tossing her the bottle from your bag.

"Yes, mommy!" She yells as you turn and walk towards the bathroom.

A chorus of laughs make your skin flush as you continue walking, ignoring her statement.

You quickly put it on, throwing up your hair and putting on your sunglasses before you return, seeing Gretchen and Cady having joined the group.

You find your way to Regina, now smelling of sunscreen, and stand next to her, leaning against the island in the kitchen.

"God, you're so hot," She says lowly, putting her hands on the bare skin of your waist.

"Says you," You say, looking her up and down.

"Okay, if you guys are done being gay, can we go swim now?" Janis asks.

Gretchen and Cady squeal, taking off towards the backyard, everyone following after them.

"If I have to wear sunscreen, you do too, babe," Regina says once outside, handing you back the bottle.

"I put some on at home," You laugh, before taking a running jump into the pool, joining Cady, Gretchen, and Damian in the pool.

The afternoon is spent swimming, playing pool games, and eating snacks with your friends, soaking up the early summer sun.

As the sun starts to dip, the energy of the group dips along with it. Regina is sat at the edge of the pool, her feet dangling into the water.

You swim your way over to her, planing yourself in between her legs, resting your hands on her thighs to keep yourself afloat.

"Hey baby," You greet.

"You having fun?" She asks, swiping some wet hair off of your forehead.

"So much fun," You agree with a smile. "But I should probably head home soon."

"Boo, don't." She disagrees.

You laugh, "I have finals to study for, and I was just here for days!"

"Not enough!" Regina pouts.

"I love you," You say fondly, "But I really have to go." You tell her.

"Fine, break my heart," She says dramatically.

"I will literally see you in the morning," You smile.

"Fine, go," She agrees, helping you out of the pool.

You tiptoe past where Gretchen and Karen are napping on some pool chairs, gathering up your things.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow!" You say to the rest of the group.

You leave, feeling bittersweet about it. You only have three days of school left, all of them taken up by finals. You graduate high school on Saturday. Your mom is most likely cancer free, and you have the best girlfriend in the world. That you're going to college with in the fall.

You cut your own thoughts off before you can think too much. You can leave the sappiness for Saturday, when you actually graduate.

With your studying, you think that all of your finals go well. The week is hectic, all of your friends cramming nonstop during lunches and breaks. Not Regina, though, she doesn't cram for anything, always staying cool and collected.

On Wednesday, the last day of school, the energy of the whole school is high. The last bell of your high school experience rings, and you turn in your last final with a smile, quickly leaving to find your friends in the parking lot.

"We're done, bitches! Rot, you stupid fuck!" Janis yells, turning around and flipping off the school building.

"It wasn't all bad, right Janis?" You ask, standing against Regina's car with your arm around her shoulder.

"Most of it," She gripes, causing everyone to laugh.

"Hey, you're not the one who got hit by a bus," Regina jokes with a smile.

"Can you let that go already!?" Cady whines.

"No! I got hit by a bus!" Regina laughs.

The whole group dissolves into laughs.

my dearest friends, there is only one chapter left :,) no i'm definitely not crying about it

i'll write an epilogue too

no idea when they're coming i have class all weekend !

AND another date w hinge girl on saturday night, we're going to a concert with my friend and i'm BUGGIN homies she's so out of my league

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