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Description: a bone broken.

Symptoms: immense pain where the suspected broken bone is.

Treatment: lay one, or two sticks next to the broken leg, bind the leg with sticks using cobwebs, give poppy seeds, and if a cat is bleeding where the bone was broken, use marigold. If you have a broken skull, there isn't much you can do.


Description: where a cat's back is broken.

Symptoms: lack of ability to move hind area, lack of feeling in hind area.

Treatment: a broken spine cannot be treated, the cat will be paralyzed for the rest of their life. Make sure to figure out exercises for the cat to stay strong, (Fetching own prey, walks, helping around camp, etc.) Have cat yowl, or scream to help keep lungs clear.


First Degree/Sunburns:

Description: Typically just irritates the cat but it's easily helped.

Symptoms: mild inflammation, red skin, swelling, mild fever, peeling skin, rash, physical sensitivity, and itchiness.

Second Degree Burns.

Description: Well, we're not sure how to describe it other than the symptoms below. It'll hurt, and it won't be pretty much.

Symptoms: Red, white, or splotchy skin, physical sensitivity, fever, moderate inflammation, blistering, swelling, infection, and possible scarring, burnt fur.

Third Degree Burns.

Description: It's not pretty. The symptoms below have a decent idea for you.

Symptoms: skin appears waxy or leathery, physical numbness, difficulty breathing, smoke inhalation poisoning, physical sensitivity, inflammation, blistering, swelling, infection, fever, itchiness, and highly possible scaring. Patchy fur, or burned-off fur.



Comfrey, dock.



Clean the cat's fur, and if the burn is severe enough, you may need to remove the dead skin. Apply a poultice and let the cat rest. Offer poppyseed for pain (or give) and no warrior duties. Regularly administer water and check burns.


Description: When one hits the head hard.

Symptoms: headache, or "pressure" in the head, lack of verbal ability, dizziness, blurry vision, bothered by light or noise, feeling sluggish, just not "feeling right" or "feeling down"

Treatment: do not let the cat sleep on the first (and maybe on the second day), and don't give poppy seeds too soon. Want the cat to stay awake.


Description: The color depends on the severity, but often red or deep pink inside the cracks, unnaturally there. Paw pads may crack when walking long distances on hard surfaces, such as stone, or due to cold weather. Elders commonly get this.

Symptoms: Soreness, pain, inability to walk easily, most likely more complaining or less feeling in paws.


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