Other Ailments/Injuries/Things.

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Description: Anxiety can be caused by stressful conditions, uncomfortable crowds, or upsetting situations. A panic attack is a sudden, unexpected intense fear that causes severe physical reactions when there is no actual danger or cause. The medicine cat must figure out what the triggers are of the anxiety, and make sure to help the patient provoke the causes.

Symptoms: Struggle to breathe, muscle spasms, crying, sometimes a slew of words, begging, inability to keep themself safe, etc.


Ingestible herbs;



Poppy seeds should they have injured themself.

Comfort cats, and assure them. Try to calm them enough that you don't have to use authority to decide something for their health.

Recovery time varies from severity and the cat.


Seasonal Allergies:

Description: when one's immune system is not built up against certain things.

Symptoms: sneezing, itchy eyes, congested, itchy skin.

Treatment: there is no cure for allergies but herbs that help breathing, rashes, etc. can help cats deal with them. For breathing: coltsfoot, ginger. For rashes: the inner gel of aloe vera can be applied to the rashes, be mindful not to consume the aloe vera or let it near your eyes, or mouth. Tansy for sore throat.

Food Allergies.

Description: when one's immune system is not built up against certain things.

Symptoms: skin inflammation, increased scratching or biting of skin, diarrhea, vomiting, difficult bowel movements, fur loss or dullness, brittle fur, skin and ear infections, discharge from the eyes and/or nose, sneezing, wheezing, or coughing.

Treatment: there is no cure for allergies but herbs that help breathing, rashes, etc. can help cats deal with them. For breathing: coltsfoot, ginger. For rashes: the inner gel of aloe vera can be applied to the rashes, be mindful not to consume the aloe vera or let it near your eyes, or mouth. And then to help if their stomach is hurting, chervil and juniper berries. Tansy for sore throat. If whatever food that causes an allergic reaction is still in the stomach, use yarrow to have the cat throw it up.


Description: Consuming an apple's seeds, leaves, or stems results in a form of poisoning. (Due to the cyanide in it, though cats most likely don't know that.

Symptoms: when small amounts are consumed, it will cause stomachache; when large amounts are consumed, it will cause dilated pupils; trouble with breathing; vomiting; shock; and death.

Treatment: The mild one can most likely be treated with yarrow and such. The extreme one is not possible to treat and will result in death. Please ask the cat, or the leader if they're in too much pain/too far gone, if they would like to be administered death berries.


Description: a chronic lung disease that affects cats of all moons.

Symptoms: wheezing, rapid or difficulty breathing, or increased effort to breathe, persistent cough and gagging, frothy mucus while coughing, keeping the mouth open while breathing, the neck extending upwards, and gasping for breath.

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