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"well i figured we could spend some time getting to know each other again, i have a lot of ass kissing to do, and" she stopped as he held up his hand

"lysseilia put you up to this didn't she, this has to do with the political marriage i will need to be a part of to protect, the girls isn't it" i asked, her mouth opened and closed

"misato i did, a lot of research when i joined this nation's military, i researched every law there was, in an attempt to fit in i learned everything i could, that particular law caught my interest for different reasons, but i do know of it, keeps the lineage of new nobles going, and it gives said nobles something to fight for, besides the nation itself, of course, her concern is not surprising, but it also isn't necessary, i have by this point gotten used to be unwanted, your dismissed katsuragi" i said, she stood there shocked for a moment, but she walked to the door of his ready room

"with that being said, i would not mind reigniting our previous relationship, i believe we can be good friends" i said, she turned to him

"i'd like that" misato said

"starting tomorrow, you may join me and lysseilia for dinner at my quarters, we eat at 1900 hours" i said

"why tomorrow" misato asked

"because today, lysseilia and i will be busy" i replied, she blushed but nodded, she wasn't entirely wrong, it was likely we would be doing that as well, but i had other plans for her

lysseilia arrived at his quarter's at seven-o-clock, where surprising she found her commanding officer, not inspecting a report or making food, he was inspecting his unit-01, which was odd, they learned that the blade couldn't be dulled, he didn't look up as she entered

"place your rank pips on the dresser" i said, she looked confused but did as she was told

"take off your belt too, you won't need it" i said, she was further confused, they usually spared after dinner, but she did as she was told taking off her belt with her weapons attached and hanging it on his rack where his own belt with his weapons was

"alright, do you mind telling me what's going on" she asked, he didn't  answer he instead rose to his feat, wherein she noticed that the sheath to his unit-01 was at his hip, he sheathed the blade

"come" i said, she followed him, utterly confused as to what was going on

she was led to the officer's training room, everyone moved away to give them space having learned long ago, that if you got in their way while sparing, any injuries you received were your own fault, and you'd receive no sympathy

lysseilia was beyond confused as he finally faced her

"kneel" i said, her eyes widened as she fell to one knee, he was actually going to claim her, she was positively giddy as she felt his foot press against her shoulder, he then pushed her down, forcing her to press her stomach against her knees in prostration, he released her once he was satisfied then she felt his foot on her back, as he began pressing down hard

'he's testing me, he's doing this in the old ways' she thought, and despite the pain she was experiencing she smiled 'thank you, my master' she thought 

misato who was watching moved to step in, but was held back by matthew collins

"do not intervene, this is important, personal, and completely between them, if lady lysseilia wishes to stop, she has but to say so, but she won't, the commodore is practicing the old ways, he is giving her the highest honor possible" matthew said

"by hurting her" misato said

"the commodore has been a part of our nation for four years, he has done everything in his power to integrate himself into our culture, he has held himself in the highest regards, by acting as an imperial knight, an obsolete post that hasn't been filled in centuries but when they did exist they were the most honorable and good individuals you'd ever meet, if you wish to learn more, wait until after the ceremony, i am sure the commodore would explain" matthew said

lysseilia grunted out in pain

"please, master" she said, it took a few second but the pressure on her back gradually decreased, as he let her go, and allowed her to shift into her dragon form, so the ceremony proper might begin, he walked in front of her and drew his blade placing his foot on her snout, as he cut into her drawing blood, a magic circle formed under him, as he was coated in a silver aura she likewise was coated in a deep purple aura, once it subsided he walked over to her side once more and climbed onto her back, with practiced ease, once seated, lysseilia let out a triumphant and proud roar, that sent cheers throughout the room, when the quieted, all with the exception of misato kneeled, weather he was a noble or not didn't matter, to them he was their lord, and seated upon what was no his mount in his white kimono, he looked majestic

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