Chapter 24

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Koran speaking  English speaking   ASL

Previously on Let Me Hear You

I told them, and they nodded. Yoongi then texted back, probably Jimin and then Soobin, to tell them the plans to tell the others, while I texted Brook to let them know. Then I returned to the wheelchair, and we left for their room, which didn't take long.

Constants POV

It was surprising, but my mom and Jonah could find something to sit on, as everyone sat where they were last time. Since it was the last time we all hung out, they wanted us girls or me to pick a movie to watch on the channels. We decided on a film called The Impossible, based on a true story and starring one of my favorite actors, Tom Holland. We did put the subtitles on to Korean for all of the boys. 

About two hours later, the movie had ended, and our tears had officially dried off from the film's sadness and the happy ending we had witnessed a few minutes ago. It was the first time any of the boys had seen this movie, and they all liked it very much. They had something nice to say about how it looked or how the director had done some parts to make it look perfect. That was mainly JK since he's into film stuff. 

During that time, we decided that we all needed food and ordered something to eat with some help from Namjoon and Yoongi. They told Mom and Jonah that their food would also be covered as a thank you for coming, even if it wasn't under the best circumstances. After that, we decided to return to the room to finish packing. It didn't take long, as the majority was still in my bag, and the rest was packed the night before, but the necessities, such as my hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hairband for face washing, and, lastly, my whitening strips for my teeth to keep them white.  

About half an hour to an hour later, all the girls were finished packing up; we all decided that since we would be leaving, we all said our final goodbyes and hugged everyone in the lobby. Yoongi and I hugged longer than the other boys, but it was the same with Jas and Kai since they had just met and didn't have time to talk like Yoongi and I had. Kai then kissed her, closed the door for Jas, and hugged Soobin, hiding his face, knowing he was crying. I then got into my seat, the front passenger seat of Jas's car, to finish my homework better. Yoongi kissed my head, said Love you in Korean, and closed my door. Kai then walked over to Yoongi to hug him; you could see the tears on his face, the light from above hitting it just right, so it looked like a stream of water.   

 "Kai, it's OK, my love. I will text you when we stop at a rest stop or when I am home, and it's only 2 to 3 hours long." She said to him, nodding his head like a baby sad about their parent leaving for work and can't take him with them. 

"OK, I think I can stop crying; I just don't want anything wrong to happen to you since you are driving." He said to her, and she smiled at him 

"I won't be alone. Constant's mom will be behind us the whole way." She said to him and smiled, knowing my mom would drive behind us.  

"OK, I feel better now knowing about her driving behind you." He said to her with a smile on his face.  

"I know you will; that's why I told you. Besides, if something happens, you will be the first to know about it, or second since I have her in the car, and she will most likely tell Yoongi." She said back at him, and he was happy to get his way. 

"I'll be OK with that because he will tell me if something like that happens," he said back to her, making her smile at him. 

"Mom said we should head out to try and beat traffic," I said, and Jas nodded. She then started the car, and we all said one final goodbye and started to drive away, with my mom not that far behind in her car with Jonah.

 ------Time skip ------  

We finally dropped off the girls, said hi to their parents, and talked to them for a bit about the trip. The important part is that nothing happened last night, but they will probably know about it soon, as it will likely be on the news, and everyone will learn about the event. Jas parked the car in my driveway to help me with tomorrow's school; I can't believe tomorrow is Monday, so no more sleeping in and waking up to Yoongi next to me. I was getting used to waking up to him next to me and kissing my head in the morning before going to the bathroom to get ready. 

I know Jas is feeling the same thing I am. Now that we know who our soulmates are and have been able to hold or see them in person, our perspective has changed or is entirely different. She then walked to my door and helped me out before Jonah opened the door. She helped me while Jas grabbed my stuff from the trunk and the goodies I had gotten from the mall yesterday and put them in my room while Jonah helped me to the couch to sit for a bit from the semi-far walk I had from the car to the couch. 

"Jonah, where are your parents? I want to tell them about the trip?" I asked him, and he sat next to me. 

"They are on a trip until they get back. Jason didn't want me to be home alone, so until they came back, he was staying with me. He wanted to come over but didn't want to overstep, so he stayed home." 

He said back to me, and I nodded at him. I could smell Mom cooking dinner; she hadn't had a head start since we had to drop off the girls. Not long after that, Jas returned from my room and sat down; she then turned on the TV, and the news was the first thing that popped up. It was about what happened to me the night before, a recap of who I am, and that my soulmate is Yoongi; that is the only reason I am on the news; then, it goes into Jas and Kai. 

"How do they know so much about us and them? We didn't say anything about ourselves at the concert or the mall. So how do they know I know sign language? The only time I did that was when it was just us. Oh, maybe someone saw me do it at the dinner. I did some ASL when I talked to the girls. " I said to them; it creeped me out. 

"Someone there is probably a fan who saw us with them and saw us using ASL and Twitter or something to tell everyone in both groups since there were so many of us," Jas said. I looked at her and smiled, knowing that was probably the answer.  

"Yeah, you're probably right. But it's still creepy to think about what, and with school tomorrow, everyone will be watching us, Jas. What are we going to do? Nothing will be the same as it was before the trip." I told her, and she nodded her head, agreeing with me 

"Don't forget about Brook; there will be people in the school who will want her to translate for people in the languages she knows, maybe for new students or something else. Scarlett is the one who doesn't get anything out of this, but then she will be with us again, which means she'll get something for just being near the three of us." She said back to me  

"Who knows what will happen tomorrow," Jonah said to us 

"Anyways, I must get going. Dad is home and wants me to tell him about Kai." 

Jas said as she got up and started to leave, saying goodnight and closing the door. Not long after she left, dinner was finally done; Jason came over to eat since Jonah couldn't cook and to tell Jason about the good part of the trip. Jason saw the clip of Jas and me talking about the fandom not liking us or liking us, and he said that we were ballsy for saying what we were saying.

 I smiled at him and thanked him. No one had said that about me before. Jas was the only one who was ballsy in our group. After dinner, the boys left, and it was time for bed. Mom helped me get upstairs and into my tee shirt and shorts, put something on to watch to go to sleep, and not long after starting to watch Epic, I was knocked out.  

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