Entry Ten

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Dear Diary,

I'm starting to feel like I'm making some decent progress with the dungeon. I actually unlocked my second critter type today. They're something called jade tree frogs, which are like really tiny, non-poisonous frogs. They honestly sounds kind of cute and I bet the sounds of them hopping around and making their little sounds will help with the ambiance in my rooms quite a bit. I know the bumblebees certainly are great with the buzzing sounds they make.

I'm thinking I'll work on building some empty rooms for a while before filling them in. That will give me more time to think about what I want to put in them. Besides that, I've been thinking about trying out a strategy with my hallways. I'm hoping by using round hallways and interconnecting a bunch of rooms, I can make my dungeon more labyrinth like and confuse adventurers. Since the slimes aren't very lethal, I'll likely have to come up with other creative ways to deal with potential enemies as well.

For now, I think slowing down the enemies would work well. Since I have to go after invading monsters, like the zombies from the other day, I figure buying myself more time to kill them off will help a lot. I'm not sure what to do about adventurers, but I also don't really have the impression that most adventurers have the intention to harm dungeons, like mine.

There have certainly been a lot of problems with the adventurers visiting my dungeon, but it hasn't been that they were trying to destroy the dungeon core. For example, just earlier today, I had a group of three come through. One of the men in the group, a magic user, had a bad attitude. I don't think he even really realized who I was, at first, but he tried to attack me. I think he thought I was lying to him about there not being anymore of the dungeon to explore.

I can't really help it, but I've taken to standing in front of the dungeon core room and trying to warn adventurers away from it. I don't really want to bother them by interrupting their adventure, but I also can't really let random people enter that specific room. Most of them might not seem like they want to harm the dungeon, but I still don't want to take any chances.

Once the man's group members realized that I was the dungeon master and likely wasn't lying to them, they ended up apologizing before leaving the dungeon for the day. While I still don't like the guy's attitude, I'm glad that his party members were reasonable. I'm honestly not so sure that I'd actually be able to protect the dungeon core if an adventurer or a particularly strong monster tried to go after it.

It's still too early for the swordsmanship training to be effective. I hope that I'll eventually be able to stand my own, at least until I can sort out something more substantial for protection, but only time will tell.



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