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Chapter 46: Heaven-Defying Project

"Father!" Shao Hao's body shook as he instinctively reached for his stone spear.

He wants me to call him something nice, and he just calls me "father"?

If he's not properly disciplined, he'll be causing trouble in the future.

Zhuang Yu also burst into laughter and moved to stop Shao Hao from grabbing the spear. He hadn't realized what he was saying earlier. His mind was still fixated on the idea of being someone else's father, so it slipped out.

Zhuang Yu hugged Shao Hao's arm tightly, but Shao Hao's face turned black. What a good atmosphere they had, and now it was ruined.

At this moment, a little mushroom came running over with a plate containing a bean cake, looking puzzled.

"What's so funny?" The mushroom heard it from far away.

Zhuang Yu quickly released his hold on Shao Hao's arm and composed himself seriously.

Shao Hao snorted coldly. Why feel guilty? Sooner or later, they'll go to the small grove.

The little mushroom looked at them suspiciously for a moment, then held the plate up to Zhuang Yu and the mushroom. "Let's eat the bean cake together."

Zhuang Yu broke the bean cake in half, giving one half to himself and the other to the little mushroom.

The little mushroom proudly approached Shao Hao with its half of the bean cake. It loved playing this game lately-offering the food to someone and then retracting it before they could take a bite.

Shao Hao looked at Zhuang Yu, who simply stuffed the bean cake into his mouth. "Not sharing?"

The little mushroom giggled. It found teasing people so enjoyable.

But Shao Hao gave Zhuang Yu a glare. He was worse than a mushroom. He didn't even offer to share what he was eating. Then he turned around and took a bite out of the bean cake the little mushroom was holding up, leaving it stunned.

The little mushroom looked at the empty space where the bean cake used to be, then ran tearfully towards Zhuang Yu. The mushroom child had been bullied.

It climbed onto Zhuang Yu's shoulder, hugged his neck, and kissed him provocatively, glancing at Shao Hao as if to say, "See my status now? Come and apologize."

Shao Hao: "..."

He was feeling a bit envious now.

Zhuang Yu looked at the mischievous little mushroom, realizing that this little thing had quite a cunning mind. Ever since Shao Hao offended the little mushroom, he hadn't had a chance to be alone with Zhuang Yu.

Whenever Shao Hao and Zhuang Yu were alone together, the mushroom would rush over with its stick, pointing it at Shao Hao as if to say, "Don't even think about tricking food from Yu. I'll keep an eye on you."

Every time, Zhuang Yu was delighted because Shao Hao always said strange things, like how nice the spring was and how beautiful the scenery in the small grove was. Hah, did he think Zhuang Yu didn't know? It was all just nonsense.

Zhuang Yu looked at Shao Hao's strong body like a volcano, then affectionately kissed the little mushroom in his hand. Well done.

Shao Hao's eyes turned green. He also understood one thing: never offend the little mushroom. It was too petty.

At other times, it became even more difficult to get close to Zhuang Yu. Han, Ba, Yu Shi, and Feng Hou took turns guarding him like guarding against thieves.

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