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Chapter 59: Silk Road

"Damn it, how do people from the Red Great City survive in this cursed place?"

The troops from the Red Great City and the White Great City were struggling to walk through the desert. For them, who had lived in mountains and rugged terrain all year round, the Crimson Desert seemed like another world.

If it weren't for the maps confirmed by their scouts, they would probably have been lost in this endless sea of yellow sand.

Even so, the vastness of this world couldn't help but instill a sense of fear in their hearts. They couldn't fathom how the people of the Red Great City managed to survive in such harsh conditions.

"We need to conserve water and ration it carefully. Who knows how much longer we'll have to stay in this desert..."

"This mission is highly valued by both the Red Emperor and the White Emperor. Success is mandatory; failure is not an option. We must show the people of the Red Great City what we're capable of."

Before the speaker could finish, suddenly...

"Do you smell something burning?"

"How is that possible? Apart from sand, there's nothing else here. What could possibly catch fire among the supplies we're carrying?"


But suddenly, there was a gushing sound, and water splashed out wildly from the wooden water tanks they were transporting.

Could it be a hallucination? They turned around in confusion, only to find their faces turning pale.

"Oh no, the water tanks are leaking!"


Water was the source of life in the desert.

Everyone turned their heads back, and then they saw it-their water tanks were actually on fire, and water was flowing out from the burning holes.

The entire troop suddenly descended into chaos. "Quick, put out the fire! Block the holes!"

"Fortunately, we have spare water tanks."

Gushing sound.

"Oh no, the spare water tanks are on fire too!"


"Our food, our food is on fire too!"


The smell of burnt meat grew stronger. In the desert, flames erupted, forming a fiery dragon with thick smoke billowing up.

The people from the White Great City and the Red Great City turned pale. What was happening? Why were the supplies they were transporting suddenly catching fire for no reason? Without these things, how could they survive in this vast desert?

The meat was salvageable, but what about the water?

Almost everyone watched helplessly as their water flowed into the yellow sand and disappeared.

Gritting their teeth in frustration.

But what was going on? Why did the fires start silently and inexplicably?

"Could it be the fire technique from the Crimson Great City? They are experts at playing with fire."

"Impossible, even if it's the Crimson Great City, they couldn't use fire techniques so silently and inconspicuously." An experienced beast warrior said. They had done their homework before infiltrating the Crimson Desert.

The entire troop was in chaos, trying to salvage their water and food. However, the fires broke out again in other places.

Anyone could see that something was wrong with these fires; they were definitely not starting spontaneously.

Infrastructure Craze (BL) (Full English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now