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Chapter 48: Our Salt is Better than Everyone Else's

Chuntuo hurriedly left to inform the various chiefs of Zhuang Yu's decision, and Zhuang Yu took over the unfinished barbecue stall.

Zhuang Yu glanced at the barbecue and asked a group of little radishes, "When you left Tongshan, didn't you take everything with you? Why didn't I see any salt?"

He remembered that the group of little radishes was loaded with stuff, carrying packages in their hands.

The little radishes slapped their foreheads, "Oh, we forgot when we got up just now."

They quickly ran into the house and brought out cans of salt, as well as chili powder, Sichuan peppercorn powder, bay leaves, and garlic.

The chili and Sichuan peppercorn powder were ground by themselves and packed in individual clay pots.

Of course, there were also soybean oil fried oil, packed in bamboo tubes sealed with animal skins.

Zhuang Yu brushed some oil on the meat, then began to season it, and the fragrance immediately changed.

At this time, Shao Hao also walked in from outside, carrying several large crabs in his hands.

"I saw that you liked eating them yesterday, so I went to catch some for you in the morning."

Zhuang Yu: "..."

No wonder Shao Hao was nowhere to be seen early in the morning. It turned out he went to catch crabs for him.

Suddenly, his heart felt as sweet as honey. Shao Hao was quite sincere.

He quickly let Shao Hao sit down to eat their breakfast, which of course included several large crabs.

After finishing eating, Zhuang Yu thought that since this group of little radishes had come to their Crimson City, they were also considered part of their Crimson Great City, and they no longer had to live a nomadic life.

So, since they were part of the Crimson Great City, they had to follow the rules of the Crimson Great City, rather than just wandering around with him every day.

This was also to help these little radishes integrate into the Crimson Great City as soon as possible.

Therefore, Zhuang Yu took a group of little radishes to a large area in the middle of the city that resembled a playground.

Before they arrived, they saw a group of children of all sizes, each with a water bag hanging from their waist, spraying fireballs at the target.

There were many people here, including children from all Tribes of the Crimson Great City. This playground was specifically for the training of these children, and it was also a place for children from various Tribes to get to know each other from a young age, after all, they were one big group and couldn't govern themselves independently, which would cause problems.

Since there were relatively few people in the Crimson Great City, even ordinary people had to learn how to fight. Once there was a war, everyone could go to the battlefield. Although they couldn't charge at the front line, they could still be of great help as support.

When the group of little radishes saw the lively playground and the fireballs flying all over the sky, they excitedly ran over, their faces full of excitement and excitement. They were so amazing. Obviously, they were about the same age as them, but they could all use fire techniques.

Zhuang Yu walked up and rubbed the heads of these little radishes, "Do you want to learn?"

The group of little radishes nodded eagerly, like little chickens pecking at rice.

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