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Chapter 158: The Grand Finale

The students returned to their tribes, leaving the group of chiefs in disbelief.

No matter how they looked at it, there was a huge gap between them and the children in their tribes, who looked listless because they couldn't eat their fill every day.

The students were also heartbroken to see their brothers in the tribe suffering from cold and hunger while they enjoyed carefree lives at school.

"Do you... mean to say that the Crimson Great City can still provide you with enough food every day?" someone asked the students.

But that's impossible. When winter comes, every power struggles to survive. How could they possibly give food to children who aren't part of their own tribe?

The students replied, "The Crimson Great City still provides three meals a day, and everyone can eat their fill. Even us foreign students can get enough food every day."

"What?" There was an uproar. "How is that possible? It's winter now."

Winter, who wouldn't fear it on the earth? Every time winter arrives, even with adequate preparation, countless people die, let alone this time, when they are completely unprepared.

Every winter is filled with sadness and fear for them.

"Three meals a day, and everyone can eat their fill? How is that possible?" Everyone muttered to themselves like madmen. This was something they had always hoped for but never thought possible.

The students sighed, then straightened up. They were students of the school, and they were proud of it. "We have returned after completing our studies. We... have come back to help our tribes through the winter."

The tribespeople were stunned. What did they hear? "You say you've come back to help the tribe through the winter? Do you have any way to do that?"

The students nodded. "What we've learned recently at school is how to survive the winter. The difficulties of winter are nothing more than two points: cold and lack of food..."

The listeners still couldn't believe it. "How is that possible? How could the Crimson Great City teach you these..."

On the earth, even if they weren't enemies, they were competitors. If they had these abilities, they would probably just watch other powers starve to death.

"The teacher said that the original intention of the Crimson Great City was to fill the world with love and peace, to end all wars, and for all powers to work together to develop and progress, to live a good life together."

Simple words, but they shook people to the core.

At this moment, the Crimson Great City seemed different. It began to radiate light in everyone's hearts.

Although winter was cold, in this desolate scene, a sun rose.

Believers and skeptics alike looked at these students.

The students had just returned, but they didn't have time to rest. They immediately began teaching the tribespeople how to build snow houses and make bed stoves.

With heavy snow blocking the mountain, firewood was hard to find, but as long as they dug through the snow, they could still find some, especially if they cut down damp branches and left them there. Although they couldn't be used immediately, they could be used over time.

Firewood couldn't be enough to burn stoves for everyone, but at least there were snow houses as relief.

At first, some people doubted whether the Crimson Great City really taught them how to survive the winter.

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