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Chapter 93 Return of Shao Hao

The school became increasingly lively.

Zhuang Yu also handed over the large shoulder bag he designed to the students of Crimson Great City, so they didn't have to carry several bags anymore; everything was integrated into one.

The style of the shoulder bag was like a military medical kit, but the large size was a bit too much for children like Ant, especially with the big gourd on his back, making him look quite peculiar.

They were learning how to quickly add oil to the Little Black Bottle.

Other students curiously approached them to ask what they were doing, but a group of students covered the large shoulder bag tightly and replied, "Secret weapon."

Indeed, it was a secret weapon. They were planning to make a grand debut with the Little Black Bottle, so they didn't want anyone to know about it for now.

Ji Feng's iron fan had also become more and more proficient. With each opening and closing, a strong wind arose, looking extremely cool.

In addition, the school canteen also introduced a new dish: cooked and dried vermicelli. Just soak it in boiling water and add a seasoning packet for a delicious meal.

This was because they had a bumper harvest of soybeans. Now, on the cement road, there were piles of yellow beans everywhere.

Zhuang Yu was thinking about how to deal with these beans, so he decided to turn some of them into vermicelli.

The students often went to the canteen to have a bowl of hot vermicelli, which served as a snack.

They even came up with their own orders from a distance, shouting, "One bowl of vermicelli with a chicken egg and a sausage."

Apart from making vermicelli, Zhuang Yu was also preparing to make some soy milk. Because their new batch of cattle and sheep had grown up, they could now have beef soup and mutton soup.

In Zhuang Yu's hometown on Earth, beef soup and mutton soup were always accompanied by tofu milk. Dip the boiled beef and mutton in crushed tofu milk, and eat them together-it was heavenly.

Zhuang Yu was making tofu milk. Although tofu milk was delicious, the fermentation process wasn't pleasant because it had to develop mold first.

Little Mushroom and a group of small radishes from the Golden Centipede Tribe were helping Zhuang Yu guard the fermenting tofu milk.

Eventually, Little Mushroom and the group of small radishes came over with frightened expressions.

Little Mushroom gestured frantically with his hands. "Something big happened! Yu, your newly made delicious food has gone bad and developed mold."

The group of small radishes also chirped, "Brother Yu, the tofu has gone bad. It smells terrible."

However, Zhuang Yu just laughed. It seemed that fermentation was almost done.

He quickly went back, took out the tofu that had developed enzymes, boiled it in wine to kill the mold, then coated it with chili and put it in jars.

Now, they just had to wait for the day when it would be ready to eat.

Little Mushroom looked disdainful as he hid behind Zhuang Yu, wondering, "Since it's gone bad, can we still eat it? Nowadays, we're very particular, we won't eat anything that's even slightly spoiled."

Zhuang Yu ignored this little troublemaker. Tofu milk could be stored for a long time once it was made, so Crimson Great City would have another home-cooked dish soon.

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