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Chapter 149: Imperial Family

When Zhuang Yu ran to the city wall, there was an interesting scene unfolding outside the city.

The red land was windy, so after passing through it, basically, there would be a layer of mud on one's face, making it difficult to see one's appearance clearly.

A tall middle-aged man wearing a luxurious fur coat was shaking with anger. The fur coat looked upscale, but now it was almost impossible to see its original color.

The middle-aged man was trembling with anger because the city gate guards were blocking him from entering the city.

The guards held their spears, their nostrils facing the sky, and one of them said disdainfully, "Do you still want to pretend to be from our Crimson Great City? Don't you know that everyone in our Crimson Great City now wears silk pants?"

Fur pants? That was ages ago. In such hot weather, the people of Crimson Great City didn't need to wear thick, hot fur pants.

People nowadays were simply talking nonsense. They just wanted to enter their Crimson Great City to take a look, right? But that was not allowed. If everyone used such excuses to enter, how could they maintain their way of life? Young Prince said that the city was a place for them to live peacefully, and outsiders shouldn't be allowed in casually.

The woman behind him almost laughed out loud. The dignified Crimson Emperor, actually being blocked outside his own city by his own people, this was probably the biggest joke on land.

However, the journey just now was indeed astonishing. Countless cattle and sheep were leisurely grazing on the grassland, looking particularly pleasing. She remembered when she left, getting meat in Crimson Great City was not an easy task.

And the river actually circled around the entire Crimson Great City. How big of a project was this? The strange green leaves and red flowers in the river looked extremely beautiful. Just now, she even saw someone digging something in the river, probably something edible. They dug it out, washed it clean, and happily took several bites.

There were still many wooden logs in the river that could accommodate people. It should be specially organized for fishing. When did fishing become so easy? Just seeing the number of fish caught was astonishing. If they had this ability before, Crimson Great City wouldn't have suffered from hunger every day.

There were also strange big wooden logs turning in the river, bringing the water from the river outside. Was this irrigation? No wonder the surroundings of Crimson Great City became so lush green. This thing was great.

And both sides of the entire river were planted with berry trees, and the fruits on them seemed to be ripening soon.

Eating a berry from one of them was simply extravagant for the old Crimson Great City. Countless people probably had never seen one in their lifetime.

But now, looking at it, these patches of berries could be shared by everyone in Crimson Great City.

Going further in, it became even more beautiful. With clusters of flowers planted in blocks, the entire Crimson Great City was surrounded by them.

No wonder someone thought they were in the wrong place.

Looking at someone whose face turned black, it was really amusing. In other words, when he left, Crimson Great City was not like this. How long ago was that?

Probably only her son could achieve this...

To be honest, when the dam project was completed back then, not to mention ordinary people from Crimson Great City, even she, the war god, was amazed beyond measure.

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