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Chapter 108 The Month of Mid-Spring in the Twenty-Four Solar Terms

"Where do you think you're running to?"

Su Nü's voice was hoarse, echoing around Zhi and the others.

Zhi, Little Pi Mao, Chang Kong Jun, and even Yan Qi felt a chill.

They were caught up.

Their bodies were enveloped in a huge shadow. Turning back, all they could see was a massive gray disk blocking the sun in the sky, silent, lonely, dark, indifferent. From this gray disk, they could only feel these emotions.

Underneath the gray disk, Su Nü appeared somewhat smaller, but even so, at this moment, Su Nü was nothing but terrifying.

Covered in half-dried bloodstains, eyes glowing green, body twisted severely.

Perhaps only Yan Qi knew why Su Nü looked like this now.

If Su Nü could catch up to them, it meant that all the people from Red City who had tried to stop her had failed. Looking at Su Nü's bloodstained appearance, it was easy to imagine that the people from Red City probably didn't end well.

Yan Qi swallowed hard. Su Nü's target was him, and seeing how miserable the people who tried to stop her ended up, he could only imagine that if Su Nü caught him, his fate would be even worse.

In the moment they turned around, they found themselves enveloped in the green light from Su Nü's eyes.

Then they tried to escape, but their feet wouldn't move. There was something wrong with this green light, it had a daunting effect that made it difficult for people to even think about running away.

Perhaps this was why even the young Prodigies couldn't evade Su Nü's fists. As long as they made eye contact with Su Nü, it was difficult to move.

The whistling sound of the wind began, the sound of Su Nü swinging her fist in the air.

Yan Qi thought, this was it, perhaps he could withstand a punch without dying, but Zhi and the others definitely couldn't.

He regretted now, regretted not staying in the gray mist, so as not to involve others, regretted not being more cautious, after inciting the conflict between Su Nü and Red City, he should have left...

But now it was too late for regrets.

The piercing sound of the wind rang in his ears, and he could even feel the wind coming from the fist about to hit him.

But, the fist stopped right in front of Yan Qi.

Yan Qi couldn't help but stare blankly. Seeing how Su Nü had chased him all this way without giving up, it was impossible for her to show mercy. And now, Su Nü didn't look like someone who would go easy on others.

Just as he was puzzled.

The sound that had been hidden by the fist breaking through the air came to his ears, it was the sound of a rhinoceros.

Two huge solitary white rhinos were roaring into the air.

With the roar, moonlight poured down in large swathes.

The silver moonlight fell on the large disk on Su Nü's back, like drops of water into a frying pan, churning and surging...

The gray disk on her back began to violently churn, like clouds billowing up uncontrollably.

Even Su Nü was surprised that her fist, which she had swung out, stopped in mid-air.

Her depleted power was being countered by someone else's abilities.

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