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Chapter 55: Crimson Great City's New Firewood

Zhuang Yu looked at the large white ant balls with a diameter of several meters in front of him and asked Ant in his hand, "Where is their home?"

This little guy was still gnawing on his crab leg, savoring it. Then he climbed down from Zhuang Yu's body, stomping his legs on the ground, and the white ant ball in front of him began to move.

This method of communication was indeed quite special.

"They say, take us to their home as guests," Ant said in a childish voice.

Zhuang Yu twitched at the corner of his mouth, then held little Yi's hand and followed the ant ball as it moved.

Not far away, the ant ball began to shrink, clearly drilling underground.

To Zhuang Yu's surprise, there were even more white ants here, undoubtedly an immensely huge white ant colony in the desert.

Why did they come here? Probably because this was an oasis with sweet grass roots to eat, but they dared not come in; the Yellow Sand Tribe was not to be trifled with.

The white ants stayed at the city gate, which was good. The formic acid left by the holes they dug was exactly what Zhuang Yu needed.

Zhuang Yu said, "Let's invite them to eat, but let them move away from here and build a new nest nearby."

Ant said childishly, "Okay, they're hungry. As long as you give them something to eat, they'll do anything."

Zhuang Yu: "..."

Wasn't he exploiting the laboring class?

He'll give them more to eat later.

Ant started stomping its legs again, and its little butt wagged humorously. Groups of ants began to crawl out of the ground in dense masses, forming a large army in the desert, heading towards the side.

Zhuang Yu was stunned. There were so many of them, just like a vast army.

Ant pointed at the dense group of ants. "Brother Yu, those are the ones we brought from Tongshan. They're getting along well with these neighbors now."

Zhuang Yu's eyes were a bit dizzy. These densely packed ants all looked the same. How could Ant distinguish who was who?

After Ant left, Zhuang Yu took the little radish head, who was still gnawing on a crab leg, back to the city, and then immediately found people to dig up the clay in the ant nest. Mixing this clay with sand and water would produce the most natural cement, perfect for making honeycomb coal stoves.

Zhuang Yu thought for a moment, then called the Ghost Willow Tribe. After working for such a long time, their water wheels were almost finished, so he asked them to continue making honeycomb coal stoves to hone their skills.

According to the Stone Skin Tribe's estimation, in more than ten days, they should bring back the coal mines.
He borrowed some shovels for digging trenches from the Green Mulberry Tribe and started digging up the clay in the ant nest.

Then he began mixing it with sand, piling it up high, leaving a pit in the middle, pouring water into the pit, and mixing it slowly. This formed common cement.
Zhuang Yu looked at the cement, his mouth couldn't stop smiling. This was a good thing, not only for making honeycomb coal stoves but also versatile for many other purposes.

"Brother Yu, you're laughing so foolishly," a group of little radishes teased from the side.

"Brother Yu has been laughing foolishly for a long time."

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