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Chapter 73: Row of Small Brick Buildings

The gradual construction within the city began.

First of all, Zhuang Yu let the people of the Jiaokang Tribe spread the news of purchasing wood at the market.

This time, the purchase of wood was completely different from the last time it was used to make water wheels, because this time the quantity was much larger.

Wood, this kind of thing, is worthless outside, but because of the long and arduous journey, it requires payment for the labor.

The foreign merchants were bewildered, why purchase so much wood again?

Especially the people from small tribes, their eyes lit up. Their tribe is small, and resources are already scarce. After using them to exchange for salt and other items, they are left with very little.

After hearing the good news, they didn't expect that just by making one trip, they could get so many good things.

Not only the people from small tribes, but also the caravans of large tribes were somewhat tempted. After all, it's just one trip for them, and they have nothing else to do.

Thus, a large-scale wood purchasing activity, which seemed very strange to foreign merchants, began.

In the past, a caravan would generally only go out once, but now it seems that this rule has been broken.

Of course, there are requirements for the purchased wood; it needs to be sturdy and large.

Because there was so much wood being purchased, although each piece wasn't particularly valuable, the total amount was still a considerable expense.

Zhuang Yu roughly calculated that just the wood needed to repair the initial area was quite astonishing, not to mention rebuilding the entire Crimson City.

It seems they'll need to find a way to earn more resources.

However, before that, Zhuang Yu went to have the tribe build more kilns and started to produce a large number of red bricks, porcelain floor tiles, pottery pipes...

Originally, Zhuang Yu planned to use glass pipes for the water pipes, but after careful consideration, he decided to use pottery pipes instead.

Because glass pipes are prone to breakage, and if broken, glass shards could easily injure people in the water. Secondly, glass pipes are transparent, and after a period of use, if there are dirty substances, they can easily adhere to the walls of the pipes, making them look particularly dirty from the outside. It's not a long-term solution.

The entire Crimson City became busy once again.

Zhuang Yu had the people from the area he planned to repair stay in other people's houses first.

The group of people was ecstatic because the Young Lord said he was going to repair their houses, build better houses for them, and after some time, when the houses were repaired, they could move back in.

The trust of the tribe in Zhuang Yu had reached a fanatical level. They didn't even consider how beautiful the environment outside Crimson City had become. It's not just boasting; other forces definitely can't compare to the environment outside Crimson City.

Now they could walk proudly in front of those foreign merchants every day, and sometimes exchange a few words with those foreign merchants, feeling incredibly proud.

Days with their heads held high, that's what life is about. It's not like before, always being called poor by outsiders.

The group of people packed up their belongings and left. Of course, they didn't go far, they just gathered outside to see how Zhuang Yu was going to repair the houses.

Infrastructure Craze (BL) (Full English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now