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Chapter 49: He, Like a Gentle Breeze and Bright Moon

Seeing the hope of salt production, the Yunmeng Tribe was eager to move forward without delay. Moreover, Zhuang Yu told them that the salt yield from seawater was very high, making them feel as if they could already see the salt.

"Prince, let's go and bring back volcanic rock to carve into salt fields."

Zhuang Yu thought for a moment. The salt reserves in the Crimson Great City had always been low. Indeed, they should hurry up and produce salt. He nodded.

However, before going to the volcano to fetch volcanic rock, he had to do one thing.

That was to obtain the tools for carving salt fields.

Using stone spears to carve would likely result in uneven surfaces, which would not be conducive to collecting the well-dried salt. Moreover, carving salt fields was a big project, and no matter how strong a stone spear was, it was still made of stone, and who knew how many would be damaged.

After seawater evaporated into salt, tools were needed to flip and dry it evenly so that the salt wouldn't clump together.

Zhuang Yu thought that at the very least, they would need iron drills for stone, iron hammers, rakes for flipping salt, and shovels for collecting salt.

Their relationship with the Red Great City wasn't good, meaning they often fought. And in fights, wouldn't they pick up the opponent's weapons that fell to the ground? They weren't stupid. The weapons of the Red Great City were recognized as the best among the five major forces. So, after years of competition with the Red Great City, they had snatched quite a few iron tools. It just happened that they could reforge the broken and unused iron tools into new ones.

The shafts and handles of these tools still needed wood to make. After all, their iron supply was limited, so saving a bit was necessary.

Zhuang Yu thought for a moment. In fact, the Crimson Great City didn't completely lack wood. In the Crimson Land, there was a type of willow tree that didn't grow leaves all year round. It always looked like dry branches, but it was alive. Perhaps due to the harsh environment, it was much harder than ordinary trees.

And in the places where these strange willow trees grew, there happened to be another Tribe under the Crimson Great City called the Ghost Willow Tribe.

Let the Ghost Willow Tribe help with making the shafts and handles of these iron tools. Just melt some knives used for cutting trees for them. Otherwise, since the willow trees were so sturdy, they wouldn't be easy to deal with.

So Zhuang Yu led the people back, ran to the Tribe's warehouse, informed the elders, brought a bunch of useless discarded iron tools, and began to march towards the volcano to the south.

A group of little ones certainly wanted to go along and see the fun, so Zhuang Yu let them climb onto the back of the giant fish.

A vast group of people, Zhuang Yu and the others sat on the back of the giant fish flying in the sky, while a huge fish roamed in the desert below, not moving slowly at all.

The volcano wasn't far from their Crimson Great City because their ancestral beasts lived here, and the Crimson Great City was definitely built nearby.

Although it was called a volcano, it was a bit different.

Because besides the volcano, there was rolling hot lava, like a huge lake of molten lava, and the volcano stood in the middle of this lava lake.

Why were there ten suns in the sky, yet the Crimson Land was so hot, and not even a blade of grass grew, all covered in sandstorms?

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