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Chapter 145: Zhuang Yu's Invention - Iron Barrel Armor

While Zhuang Yu was tirelessly trying to increase weapon production, he was also finding ways to enhance the effectiveness of equipment on the battlefield. After all, his knowledge of how to utilize equipment in combat was much richer than that of the people in this world.

The students of the school became the subjects of his experiments with these equipment.

For example, right now, under the shining sun, rows of black iron barrels began to move forward, emitting the unique luster of metal.

Leading the way was a small iron barrel, because Mushroom insisted that Zhuang Yu craft a set of small armor for it.

These iron barrels were the new armor Zhuang Yu had created. Because the people in this world generally had great strength, the armor was quite different from those on Earth.

Firstly, the thickness and materials of the armor were different. They were made from thick and large iron plates, making them look like black barrels.

But there was nothing funny about them; instead, they exuded a sense of solemnity, bloodiness, and the taste of iron.

Especially when a row of people walked together, it was like a metal torrent.

Every step they took made a heavy sound, even the inherently barbaric people of Crimson City felt a sense of heaviness when they looked at these large iron blocks.

In addition to the armor, each person also carried a black long spear, which was newly crafted iron spears.

Looking at these heavy iron barrels and the long, thick black iron spears in their hands, Zhuang Yu couldn't help but say that just the momentum alone was terrifying, like black war monsters.

Because their heads were covered in heavy helmets, their expressions couldn't be seen, making these black monsters appear even more ruthless. Wearing them, they immediately turned into war machines.

Of course, you couldn't look at the small iron barrel at the front. Even though it was wearing such armor and holding a small iron spear, it looked somewhat ridiculous because of its small size.

Every now and then, Mushroom would lift its helmet, its eyes excitedly looking outside. It felt that this "clothing" was even cooler than its little sweater, and it decided to sleep in this outfit in the future.

This was only the first wave. Behind these black torrents, there were some younger students carrying iron bows on their backs, which had been crafted earlier.

Bows could fully utilize the innate strength advantage of people in this world and provide long-range attacks, like casting a small spell.

The advantages were obvious. First, as long as strength was not exhausted, this "spell" could last indefinitely. Second, it provided long-range attacks, occupying a significant advantage. Third, it could be said to be an extraordinary advantage that ordinary people could also use to cause significant damage.

In ancient times on Earth, humans were weak and relied on weapons like these to survive against stronger opponents.

Compared to the sturdy and dignified black iron barrels in front, these bow carriers seemed much more slender and delicate, each hiding behind a black iron barrel, forming the second wave.

It could be seen that although the formation was simple, it was extremely effective, fully utilizing the advantages of both types of equipment.

This exercise organized by Zhuang Yu was a confrontation. On the opposite side, there was a group of people responsible for the confrontation.

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