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And this my friends, is where it all begins

Back in the evil world there was another wicked wizard waiting out there. Necromonio. The wizard of necromancy.

Necromonio sat on his couch. Covering his ears as he heard people talking to each other. This irritated him. How he hated the happiness of the townsfolk so much. He gazed through the window and looked at them in anger. He really wanted to throw something so that they would all shut up. Necromonio tried to ignore them. But how silent his room got, the louder the townsfolk became. Necromonio couldn't stand it anymore. He looked down to the balcony and yelled. " Silence you fools! Don't you know that the wizard of necromancy prefers peace and quiet?" The townsfolk began to whimper. But Necromonio didn't care. He began to chant a spell in Latin. And dark portals appeared everywhere. Out from the portals came the undead. They moved towards the village and started to attack. The townsfolk all cried and screamed for help. But the undead dragged them and began to tear their flesh. Necromonio enjoyed this. He enjoyed the wails and cries of suffering. He smiled and chuckled silently. " Take that you morons" He knew that wasn't enough. So he summoned the delusions of death. It took form of any kind. Deadly,terrifying, disgusting,cute even. But even though it appears as an adorable animal like a cat, don't be fooled. These powerful delusions can kill you. Just look at them a bit longer and the delusions will slowly take away your soul. Necromonio knew how the population was getting smaller and smaller. But did that stop him from causing chaos? No. The townsfolk tried to escape the creatures that he created. But they only failed and died along with the others. And like what I've told you, the good wizards or their magic cannot enter the land. It is for evil wizards only. Necromonio knew that wasn't enough. He used his powers and brought all monsters there. Nearly all the townsfolk died. Because they weren't immortal. Necromonio laughed in a psychotic way. And decided to do that again if another group of mortals bothers him.

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