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" I'm going to the dentist for my appointment"

Leonna said to her friend. " See you later Sadie!" " See you Leonna!" She replied. Then Leonna was gone. Sadie Andrea grabbed her bicycle and began to ride it down the street.

" Pst!"

Sadie stopped.
" Who's there?"
She asked

Then, she heard it again.

" Pst!"

This time, she ignored it. She continued to bike along the path. But still, it could be heard clearly.

Every time she heard that noise, she became more irritated. But she still tried to keep her cool.

Finally, as she came towards the park, she lost it.


She yelled.

This led the people to all stare at her in confusion. But she ignored them.


But she heard a familiar voice.

" Sadie!"

She let out a sigh

" What?"

" Pst! Sadie! It's just me! David!"

She started to look left and right. Trying to find him.

" Where are you?"

She asked.

"Behind the bushes."

She looked at the bushes and went in.

" A private talk huh David?"

She asked

" Yes"

He replied.

" And what's so important now?"

David paused as he think of what to say next.
Then, he looked at her as he returned to his serious face.

" Theodore has been acting a bit strange recently"

He looked at Sadie. Who looked serious.

" And?"

She asked.

" He's been pretty obsessed with magic for many years."

Sadie looked at him. And gave out a fake laugh

" David, that's obvious. Even the whole school knows how big Theodore's magic obsession is. Why would you tell me that?"

" That's the point!"

He replied which made Sadie stare at him in shock.

" What do you mean?"

She asked.

" It seems like his obsession for it grown bigger. Which is considered an unhealthy obsession."

" And what makes that type of obsession deadly?"

She asked.

" Because well, if you become more fascinated in it then..... Well, I don't know what's going to happen."

Then Sadie said.

" I have to go now. My parents are calling."

" Okay.... Goodbye I guess?"

" Bye"

Then she went off.

But David was still concerned for Theodore. He didn't want him to be so drawn to magic.

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