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                SHADOW IN THE PALACE

Arcanus sat down on his wizard throne. Just like Laverna and Malum, he also agreed with having a school for future wizards. So that he could mentor and train them. He remembered in the old times that the townsfolk back then were more active and social. That they would also hum and sing as they do their chores. But now, it felt like the happiness had been drained from the world.

Then, his pet phoenix, Pyro came in

He smiled and said to his pet

" Pyro!, Where have you been? I was so worried about you!"

He said with his calm voice as he brushed his feathers.

Pyro pecked his hand. But Arcanus didn't mind. He knew that he's just playing.

Arcanus remembered the first time he found Pyro.

He remembered that when he was twelve, he got lost in the middle of the woods. Frightened, he ran. Hoping that he could find a way out of there.

But there was nothing

Nothing at all.

Arcanus sat down and began to shake in fear. He was desperate to go home. He didn't want to stay in the woods.

Maybe he could just close his eyes and pretend he's home?

But then, he felt pecking on his hand.

A phoenix

It showed him the way and guided him.

Then, he was home.

Arcanus closed his eyes. Thinking about the good old days.

" Uncle Arcanus!"

Arcanus opened his eyes to the voice of his niece Debopriya.

" What is it?"

He asked her.

" There's a shadow in the hallway! A shadow person! And it's attacking the others!"

Arcanus was about to question her about her magic. But then remembered that she can't because she didn't master it yet. He also knew that the rest weren't wizards.

Arcanus rushed to the rescue and met face to face with the shadow.

The shadow and him had a magic match.

Only, for the shadow to be stronger.

The shadow defeated Arcanus and went away.

Arcanus stared at the spot where the shadow was. Then questioned.

" What in the world was that thing?"

He asked.

Debopriya shook her head.

" I don't know Uncle."

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