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Malum looked out of his window. Reading his books of sorcery and studying magical artifacts.

" Malum!"

It was his sister

Malum quickly hid his book and opened the door.

" What are you doing?"

She asked.

" Oh, nothing!"

He said to her.

But Laverna knew.

" Why are you reading and studying about ancient artifacts and forbidden magic?"

Malum looked at her and said

" Cause I think that there's a spell in this book that will teach us how to make a school without using our hands."

" Malum, a spell won't work"

Malum rolled his eyes and said

" But it works on a bunch of other things "

Laverna just gave him a stare. She knew how stubborn he was.

" Look Malum, A spell can't create one. The only thing that could create a school is the rock itself."

Malum scoffed.

" You probably must stop thinking that you know more than me."

Laverna didn't seem to mind. She just walked away from him and walked outside the house. She heard Malum ask her something. But she just ignored it.

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