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                   THE MISSING PEOPLE

Theodore walked out of his room. He was still wondering about what his next discussion will be about. Is it something serious? He didn't know. He sat down on a bench. Tying his shoelaces. Still thinking about it. He froze. That he didn't know what he was doing. He just stared to a tree to think about it.
" Have you seen my son? "
Theodore stopped thinking about those thoughts when he heard a man nearby. He looked behind to see what was going on. He noticed a poster of a young boy sticking on the wall. It read:


Ryan Fern

Last seen in: Red and blue sweater, green pants, and brown shoes

Height: 4'5

Age: 9


Theodore then looked away from it and stood up. Walking towards a nearby grocery store. He bought two bags of chips and a small soda can.

He went outside and sat down on the bench. Writing down in his diary about what he did today. He also wrote down the missing poster he saw earlier. Just as Theodore then began to munch on his snacks, he overheard another group of people nearby talking to each other.
With many police officers. Theodore listened carefully to their conversation. And as he heard it correctly, another child went missing. This time, a female. In the nearby tree that's close to Ryan Fern's the poster read:


Holly Bark

Last seen in: Purple crop top, mint- green skirt, and black sandals

Height: 5'5

Age: 16


But the thing is, Holly's parents told the officers that she has been missing for nearly two months and every one in the village are looking for her. But still, there was no sign of Holly. Nobody knew how she disappeared without a trace.

This made Theodore confused. But still, he tried to find an answer to all of this. Theodore remembered the dream that he had about the wizard Magnolia. He knew that she would never do this. She was to kind. He might guess that it would have been Laverna or Malum. Her two siblings. But no.

He went inside another market store to buy some food for his family. But was shocked to see more missing posters of people hanging on the walls. Some were even missing for nearly five years. " That is what happens when you try to play with magic kiddo." Theodore turned his head. And saw an old man. " Who are you?" He asked him. The old man didn't reply. Instead, he replied in a different way. " Those people were curious and interested in spells. They believed that they were knew more about it. Even though they haven't studied it. So, that's what they got in return." Theodore stared at him. " So you're saying that the magic spell books aren't enough?" He asked. " You've missed the point." The old man replied. " Every new wizard needs practice. They even need someone to teach them. That's why some wizards think that the new children need a magic school." Theodore just turned his back on the old man. But the old man remained calm and didn't question. Theodore walked out of the market. He was wondering about what the old man meant that he forgot to buy the food for his family. While he walked out, the old man stared. He knew that Theodore is not going to listen to his advice .

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