Bubbles and Kibble?

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Henry, JJ and Spencer were at their house. Henry and Spencer were outside playing with water guns.

This police officer walked up behind Spencer.

He was soaked.

He took off his shirt in front of the police officer.

The police officer tapped Spencer on the shoulder. Spencer's eyes widened and he took the officers hand and flipped him over his shoulder and had the police officer on the ground in 2 seconds flat.

Once Spencer realized what he did he looked down. His eyes widened even more.

"I'm so sorry. I just got back from the military not that long ago. I didn't recognize the hand on my shoulder. I'm sorry." Spencer apologized.

He held out his hand for the officer. The officer took it and pulled his self up. "No problem. I should have announced myself. It's no biggie."

Spencer looked up at the officer and smiled. "Hey Bubbles. How have you been?" Spencer asked the police officer.

"I'm fine. What about you, Kibble?" The officer replied.

JJ walked out the door. JJ pulled Henry to the side and sat down on the porch. Spencer turned around and looked at JJ and Henry.

Spencer turned back around. The officer nodded. He walked over with Spencer.

"JJ. This is my brother. Sam, this is my wife, Jennifer and my Henry." Spencer introduced them to one another.

"Daddy. Why did he call you Kibble?" Henry asked Spencer.

"It's a nickname. I cal him Bubbles. We always had those." Spencer replied.

"How are you two related?" JJ asked Sam. "I'm his older twin brother. When dad and mom split I went with dad and he stayed with mom." Sam explained.

"How did you get the names?" Henry asked Sam.

"That is a very good question. Well, your dad and I did a lot of stupid stuff when we were 6. I dared him to eat some dog food and he dared me to drink bubble soap. He got the nickname Kibble because of that. I got mine because I would hiccup and bubbles come out. That is how I got the nickname Bubbles." Sam explained. Henry laughed at the thought of the two of them as 6 year olds.

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