Dead But Alive?

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Idea: Spencer died but somehow he shows back up after 6 months.

General POV

Knocking at the door stirred Garcia from her beauty sleep. She groaned at the intrusion and glanced at the alarm by her bed. It read 4:12 am. Garcia laid her head back down in hopes that the drunk guy at the door might leave.

The knocking continued. Garcia huffed and rolled out of bed. She slipped on a pair of house shoes and went to the door, turing on all the lights in the house in the process.

She got to her door and looked through the peep hole. She saw a dirty head of long hair that was downcasted to the floor. It was suspicious so Garcia sent a message to Morgan real quick and looked back through the peep hole. The hand reached back up to knock at the door. This caused Garcia to jump back a little.

She was freaking out. It's dark outside with only to porch light lumination the darkness. It was 4 am with a stranger standing at her door knocking repeatedly.

What scares her the most was how she couldn't see the face of this mysterious person.

Garcia continued to watch this man out of fear and curiosity. The more she studied him, the more chills she got. The tousled brown hair was familiar but not at the same time.

She knew that he was dead. They buried his body after an accident at work. They saw that accident and saw the body that was recovered. It was useless to try any recessitation attempts by how mangled the body was.

But here in front of her door was a man that looked too familiar.

Garcia glanced at her phone and saw that Morgan hasn't even looked at the message. She sighed and looked around for a weapon if needed.

The closest thing to her was a broom and she couldn't really use that so she just looked back through the peep hole.

Just as she looked back through, the hand lifted up to knock on the door and she got a clear view of the face.

The same eyes, the same nose, the same twitch of the mouth.

But that scar... it wasn't there before.

The man didn't knock. He raised his hand and paused. He huffed as sigh and turned to leave. He stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets and started walking down the hall.

Garcia didn't think twice before flinging the door open and calling out.


The question was so quiet Garcia didn't think she said anything. She stood there for a second when the guy paused and turned around to look her in the eye.

The man waved at her and gave her a small smile and tipped his head back down a little to hide the scar that ran from the forehead to over his left eye.

With all the conformation she needed, she rushed over to him and engulfed him in a tight hug. She felt him tense up and then relax in her arms.

As they pulled away from each other, Garcia managed to catch his eyes and she saw one eye almost pale. The one that had the scar running across it looked like he couldn't see out of it.

"How are you here? We buried you!"

Spencer had yet to saw anything. He just shrugged his shoulders. He lowered his gaze to the floor again.

"Where have you been?"

That question brought his gaze back up to her face and he looked scared. The flash of panic in his eyes was very recognizable.

"Not here, please," was all he said before Garcia dragged him into her apartment. She would get him something to eat, drink, and wash up before she calls the team to help figure this out. Right now, she's just glad he's alive and the rest would be figured out at a later time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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