Have You Seen My Hair

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Spencer was in Strauss' office getting in trouble for his hair. He won't cut it for all the money in the world.

Strauss said "you need to get it cut or you will get fired." Spencer nodded his head slightly and walked out the door.

"What happened in there? Strauss is mad." Emily commented. Spencer nodded and grabbed his coat and threw it over his shoulder.

Derek raised an eyebrow. "What lit a fire under him?" Emily shrugged.

Spencer left out of the building and to the barber shop. After Spencer got the cut he walked back to the office. He walked back to Strauss' office.

"I got the haircut. I hate it because it will grow so fast I'll have to get one every 5 days." Spencer explained.

Strauss nodded and sent him back his seat. Spencer sat down just to have Derek come over.

"Sir. That's not your seat. That's a friend of mine and he will be back in a..." Spencer turned to face him. Derek smiled at him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. Like the cut." Derek said.

"Are you kidding me. Have you seen my hair? I'm going to have to have it cut every 5 days because of Strauss. If I let it grow out, I'll be fired." Spencer explained.

Derek smiled and patted him on the back. "The cut looks great on you. Makes you look older." Derek said.

AN: chose your own hairstyle. There are so many and it's hard to say which is better

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