After Everything

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After Will leaving and after Henry being born, JJ finally found the one man she has been waiting for.

He asked her out 2 months after Henry was born and Henry grew up calling him dad. He officially adopted Henry when Henry was a year old. They got married a month after that.

Garcia was JJ's maid of honor and Derek was Spencer's best man.

JJ quit her job after being shot in the stomach. They rushed her to the hospital and they patched her up. The doctor told her that she couldn't have anymore kids, but JJ proved him wrong.

She had Jared, without knowing, 4 years after being told she couldn't have anymore kids.

Spencer has been an amazing dad from the moment Henry smiled at him. Spencer and Henry share a bond between a father and son, even though Henry isn't his biological son.

Spencer once told JJ "you don't have to be blood to love a child with different fathers. You have to love the mother and the child to actually love someone". Spencer has proven that, even when Will showed up trying to get custody over Henry.

Henry turned 7 and is happy as can be. He had been asking for a brother and he got a brother. Jared is now 1 1/2 years old and he is a smart kid. He can recite the alphabet forwards and backwards and can count to 20.

He has JJ's eyes and hair but he has Spencer's brain. Spencer still works at the BAU and everyone still hangs out with JJ and loves the boys.

Spencer let his childish side show when it came to those boys. He still loves JJ the same and the love for his family doesn't die.

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