part 6 🐰❤️‍🩹🐯

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The world is really unfair because the people who you  really need  in your difficult time are not with you.


appa ... Taehyung said as he stepped inside his room  when he saw that his appa had messed up his wardrobe and his room. Taehyung with a confused look looked at his appa and pulls his arm to see what his appa was doing. His appa looked at him and let go of his arm . of Taehyung.. appa ... what are you doing, Taehyung asks his appa who doesn't listen to him but was busy finding something...

or say something about searching that he can't find... Taehyung is standing just there and looks at his appa with sad look because he doesn't know why his appa does that... and he also wonders where his appa was these days... Taehyung comes out of his though and went back to his appa  who was trying to find something Taehyung doesn't understand why would his appa come into his room to find something Taehyung pulls  his appa arm again and his appa looks... at him...

give me money... his appa said with an Angery face that Taehyung can't understand.... Taehyung looks at his appa with wide eyes that what.. and then he understands why his appa is in his room and his room  is messy.... appa I have no money Taehyung said to his appa who is now very angry, he Push Taehyung and Taehyung fall on the corner of the bed and his head hits against it... the blood comes out of Taehyung's forehead... he holds his forehead and looks at his appa with a shocked face .. I said I want money, his appa said in an angry voice who threw a lamp that was in the bedside table on the floor ...... give me money he said who is down in his level and takes Taehyung's hair in his hands with anger face Taehyung takes his appa's hand with which he held his hair.. he pulls Taehyung's hair hard that now Taehyung is in pain ....Taehyung gasp in pain ....

appa I said I have no ... he said with his painful voice you can understand that how he is in pain his appa pull his hair again that Taehyung gasp more in pain .... you Usless said him against Taehyung who looks at him with a wide and pained look... appa... Taehyung is cut off by his appa who gives him a hard slap in his  face... that now Taehyung  lays on the floor again with a painful heart his heart hurts so much that his appa slaps him.It's not the first time he slaps him, he always slaps him when Taehyung tells him he doesn't have any money or he something his appa wants... his appa always comes and asks him for money... to buy alcohol.  .. but Taehyung can't give the money from his mom's operation to an unnecessary alcohol he knows his appa doesn't care what happens to his mom..

and now he comes back to him to ask for money for his alcohol.. he has slaps Taehyung  again. if his mom was here he wouldn't let his appa slap Taehyung but what we want is sometimes not possible .. because we can write our destiny a  tear comes from Taehyung eyes with a painful heart he stands again in front of his appa who  looks at him dare to look at me, his appa said who was there to slap him again but this time he doesn't  because Taehyung is holding his hand that he was about to slap him.. he looks at him with Angery look that Taehyung dare to hold his hand because always when he slaps him he doesn't say anything but this time Taehyung holds his hand..appa enough is enough. Taehyung said with tearful eyes but in a soft voice... his app looks at him but with a disgusted look at

he was cut off by Taehyung he looks at Taehyung with an angry look what Taehyung said to him... appa I'm not Usless but you... Taehyung said to him while that Taehyung doesn't want to say  to him but what can he do is he really his appa why Taehyung has to deserve so much pain while he didn't do anything he just wanted a small family and happy but Taehyung didn't get that.. sometimes you don't get the family you ask for... that's what Taehyung think about...

Taehyung's appa takes Taehyung's arm tightly and looks at him with angry can you say that, said to Taehyung and Dig his nail in Taehyung soft skin.. who gasp in you know what on the day you were born you were Usless, said to Taehyung who looks at him with painful eyes. that doesn't care... with that he pushes Taehyung who falls on the floor and he leaves home...Taehyung with heart full pain looks at the close door because his appa left more tears fall from his eyes at that moment he only thinks about his mom who is not with him now but he also thinks about another person who leaves him without knowing where he is..

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