part 30🐰❤️‍🩹🐯

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""are you sure he went there alone with him ?"" jennie maliciously asks her friend who nodded to her but jumped in his place when jennie slammed the paper on the table and drew everyone's attention to her who were working

""sorry"" seo yea apologizes and bows to the employees who look at them with irritation and then they start their work again

"Jennie, calm down, it's only for a party for Ms. Nancy, nothing else." seo Yea said and pulls Jennie's hand to sit on her chair, who looks at her with angry eyes because she can't stand it when she hears that Jungkook and Taehyung went to the party alone ...

"" how can you say it's nothing mhmm "" jennie immediately said yelling to her

I don't mean that...seo yea was cut by jennie

"" he can't go there alone with jungkook "" jennie said to her friend with angry eyes and slam his hand on the table

"" Jennie be calm you "" seo yea was cut again at Jennie who says her yelling something

"" seo yea how can you tell me to stay calm after you know how jungkook looks at him you know how i have a crush on him for as long as i am in this company Taehyung can't just take him from me i wouldn't let him """ Jennie immediately said angry but his angry turned into a smirk face that scared seo Yea

"" Jennie what are you going to do with him please don't do anything that you later Regret "" seo Yea immediately said to his friend Who had smirk in his face

"" ooh seo yea come on are you my friend or him you have to stay in my side not him and about what am I going to do with him you would see when it happens to him "" jennie said and laughs like evil and type in his computer that seo yea looks worried at her because she knows how innocent and soft Taehyung is, but what can she do if she is in jennie's side

"" I hope she doesn't say anything that she Regret later "" seo Yea said to herself and looks at Jennie who was typing on her computer before she also started working


in jeon mansion namjoon yoongmin and jhope are sitting on the table eating after taekook were gone namjoon yoonhob were busy with company after jungkook It's not that they don't have any work, but now they have to double that because the CEO isn't there yoongie also joins because he said he is bored at home and wants to work namjoon told him that's okay he can work with jhope with par thinking to learn

""you mean it did you really do that"" yoongie asks jhope with shock face and with his hand he covered his mouth

"" yeah what do you think go there and not be romance that's not in my thing"" jhope proudly said to them and above his hands in pride

"So you booked a room for them expressly, I'm right." Jimin immediately asks him, who proudly accepted him

""yes you are right "" jhope said and raised his hands more above with a proud smile but immediately lowered his hands when jimin hit him with a spoon and jhope looked at him confusedly

""why did you do that"" jhope said and rubbing his arm as that spoon hit him and others also look at Jimin confused

"" sorry Hyung but are you stupid how can you do that when you know very well that Taehyung is very shy when jungkook is next to him and you have booked a room for them "" Jimin immediately said to him in disbelief

"" ooh come on love we also you know that Taehyung also has the same feeling for Kookie but doesn't admit how Jungkook was "" yoongie said to his husband with a smile who looks at him seriously

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