part 32 🐰❤️‍🩹🐯

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"" thank you very much mr.jeon for coming to my party "" Nancy said to jungkook with a smile after she saw jungkook come in with a boy next to him

"" hmm "" Jungkook answered briefly and went toward their table behind Taehyung who was sitting next to him

"" so enjoy part mr.jeon "" nancy said the last time she was leaving while she  out looking at the boy next to jungkook that  how beautiful he is

"" Nancy who is that boy next to mr.jeon "" a girl asks nancy when nancy comes to her who is also looking at her

"I don't know maybe he's his secretary" Nancy said while his eyes were just looking at Jungkook who is talking to Taehyung

"" Taehyung are you okay now "" Jungkook asks  Taehyung with a worried voice because yesterday evening after Jungkook proposed Taehyung and Taehyung asks time and Jungkook went to the room and saw that Taehyung was all asleep but he didn't say anything and get fresh and lay on the couch and sleep for a few hours jungkook was woken up by Taehyung's voice who was having bad  dreams jungkook quickly went to him and hug him to give him comfort that's why jungkook asks Taehyung if he's okay Taehyung looks at jungkook shyly because how he can if he now knows that jungkook loves him the person he also loves but he needs a little time to think

"mhh I'm okay mr.jeon" Taehyung said in a soft voice while he was playing with his nails


"" huh Taehyung Confusedly said

""call me jungkook"" jungkook immediately said to him in a serious voice

"" but mr.jeon how can "" Taehyung was cut by jungkook who look  him  seriouselly but that serious face melts Taehyung's heart because jungkook looks really cute that Taehyung can't stop kissing jungkook in his though but he controls himself and looks quickly   to other side Shyly

"""I'm waiting for Taehyung"" Jungkook said and pulls Taehyung's chair a little closer to him, whose is looking at him with wide eyes

"" mr.jeon "" Taehyung just shut up when he saw Jungkook a Raised eyebrow with no other choices Taehyung looks here and there then said what Jungkook was waiting for

"" hmm... jun... hmm.. jungkook "" Taehyung said shuttering nervously to jungkook who is just looking at him

"" hmm I didn't hear what did you say hmm " Jungkook said and bring his ear close to Taehyung so that he didn't hear anything

""i said jungkook"" Taehyung immediately said and quickly looks other side and jungkook smile at him and pulls him chair more close to him that hitched Taehyung's heartbeat and looks at him nervously

""tae"" jungkook was cut off by nancy who comes to him

"" sorry mr.jeon to disturb you but can we talk about our project "" Nancy said to jungkook with smile and looks at Taehyung who shyly looks down jungkook responded and went with her  leaving shy Taehyung behind

It's been more than 30 minutes that Jungkook has been talking to Nancy and his dad, who are talking a bit far from Taehyung. Taehyung was just sitting there waiting for Jungkook, but he doesn't feel comfortable for once, he puts his hand on his heart that he really not that pleasant Taehyung looks at Jungkook who was talking then  Taehyung takes a deep breath and calms himself Jungkook who was talking saw Taehyung state and became a bite worried he was about to go to Taehyung but Nancy's dad talks to him that Jungkook had to talk to him, but his one eye was on Taehyung, who really couldn't be more comfortable

"" so mr.jeon what do you think of that project "" Nancy  dad asked  jungkook who aside was Taehyung and Nancy noticed that

"" hmm mr.jeon is there  something"" Nancy asks jungkook when  her dad  doesn't get an answer from jungkook who is looking at her now

"" ooh nothing and about that project don't worry our company is the best for whatever you want "" jungkook said with a proud face to them who smile at him then jungkook excuses him and went to Taehyung who forcely smile

"Taehyung are you okay, you don't look so good." Jungkook immediately said and sits next to him, who smiles at him

"Mr.jeon I'm okay" Taehyung said with his forceful smile to Jungkook who is sure he's not okay but pretends he is okay because Taehyung doesn't look good from yesterday

"" but you don't look good do you want us to go back to the hotel hmm "" jungkook asks him softly that makes Taehyung's heart melt with so softly Behavior of him Taehyung was about to say something but Nancy dad who comes into the stage  and started to talk

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming and I want to say something to you that our company now works with the No. 1 company Jeon and that is the happy time for me  and I also thank Mr. Jeon for coming from so far to us party  so enjoy party "" Nancy dad said and comes down from stage and people clap for him then music starts and people started dancing with each other

Nancy was to go to Jungkook to ask him to dance with her but Jungkook was quick to dance to someone else and that made Nancy angry who quickly went to his friends

""i think that boy is special for mr.jeon""nancy friend said to nancy who angrily looks at taehyung and jungkook who are dancing with each other

"Taehyung can I dance with you" bow and Forward Jungkook  his hand  asks Taehyung who looks at him with a smile without thinking Taehyung Except it and went to dance with him Taehyung puts his hand on Jungkook shoulder who holds him in his waist and with the other hand takes his hand and started to dance

"Taehyung are you sure you're okay?" Jungkook asks Taehyung more than a hundred times.

"" mr.jeon i'm okay "" Taehyung said and looks at jungkook who looks at him with Frowned eyebrows

jungkook "" Taehyung said nervously when he understand why jungkook looks at him so then jungkook smile at him and they started dancing after few minutes of dancing Taehyung went to sit and jungkook went to washroom

Taehyung was sitting there waiting for jungkook  when jungkook phone call comes ...first Taehyung leaves it because it is jungkook phone he can't answer it but after a lot of  call    Taehyung had no choices and pick up the phone and answer it

"Jungkook is Taehyung with you" Jhope on the other side of the line quick  said that doesn't let Taehyung say hi to him at first


Taehyung are you that

Yes what happened Hyung "" ask Taehyung worried because jhope voice makes him worried jhope quiet for a moment then he talk  that makes Taehyung stand quickly of his chair

""Taehyung come quickly your mom condition is not good"" jhope said and doesn't get an answer anymore he said hello but doesn't get an answer after a few minutes jungkook comes from the washroom and saw that his phone was lying on the floor he looks here and there and saw that Taehyung wasn't there then he pack his phone  Nancy came to him

"Mr.jeon  is something happened." She immediately asks him who is looking at him confused

"" why "" immediately jungkook asks who put his phone on his pocket pants and looks here and there if he can see Taehyung but he doesn't find him

"" because I saw you secretary run outside without listening to me "" she immediately said that jungkook looks at her  and quickly runs outside that makes Nancy also confused jungkook comes outside and looks here and there but didn't see Taehyung he quickly step in his car and drive after a few minutes he saw Taehyung who was walking in the road that made jungkook worried about him jungkook quickly stop the car and walk to him and pull his arm who looks at him with a tear full eyes that broken jungkook heart


Jungkook my mom "" Taehyung said who  sob Jungkook doesn't do anything else he hugs Taehyung in a tight hug whoever hugs him too Taehyung calms down a bit and then  he tells Jungkook what Jhope told him after that they went  quickly  to the hotel and grabbed their clothes and quickly drove back to Taehyung mom hospital after a long drive taehyung get out of car and run  into her mom room jungkook behind him but what made them more confused that namjin yoongmin and jhope were also there

Mom .....

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