part 29 🐰❤️‍🩹🐯

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"Be careful  and when you get there text me hmm" Jimin said to Taehyung who said the 10th time to him  okay but Jimin says the same sentence to him taekook are going to Busan for two days for Choi Nancy party If Jhope expects Taehyung asked him why he can't come and if Jhope and others have planned it, Jhope said that someone has to stay here for company Taehyung also tries to take Jimin with him but Yoongie said he's not feeling well so  Jimin stay with him  jimin looks at his husband strangely at first because he once got sick before taekook left but with a lot of effort jimin said he has to stay with yoongie  that everyone  taking a breath of relief now jungkook is sitting in the Passenger seat waiting for Taehyung the one with jimin to say bye jimin hug Taehyung who also hugs him back Taehyung wave to them with a smile in his face and sits in the passenger seat next to jungkook who looks at his hyung and smile as they drive away the other one behind  them wave

"I hope Kookie can say his feeling to Tae" Jhope said while he was watching the car driving away and others looked at him and just hummed at him and went to their own business.


it's been more than 15 minutes Awkward in the car between taekook... jungkook who is driving but  aside eyes is on taehyung who is looking outside the car window the wind hit Taehyung face that makes him more eternal beautiful that jungkook can't take his eyes off him

"" so Taehyung have you ever been to Busan "" broke jungkook Awkward  between them and asks Taehyung something who looks at him with his bright eyes

"" hm I don't know maybe when I was little maybe I went to Busan but right now I'm not mr.jeon"" Taehyung   poilty responds him with smile who just melts at him smile but what Jungkook doesn't like so much is when Taehyung  call him mr.jeon  and yes  why not when  he  told everyone in the company to call him mr.jeon because no one can call him by his name except  his hyung  but he wants Taehyung that one time with his sweet and soft voice  call him jungkook

"" hmm "" short response jungkook and pays all his attention to driving jungkook was driving he doesn't notice that someone angel is looking at him with lovely eyes that from those eyes you can tell that how much love is hidden Taehyung looks at Jungkook from head to toe that how handsome he is with those tattoos on his arms  that Jungkook wears a T-shirt on that visible to Taehyung, who looks at him blankly

"" hmm mr.jeon "" call Taehyung jungkook with his nervous voice

"yes Taehyung" Jungkook said after Taehyung called him with his dusty voice and Jungkook immediately  aside eyes him while driving

"" hmm where  you when i was friends with yoongie hyung "" Taehyung nervously asks  who was playing with fingers to jungkook

Ahh ???

""i mean i never saw you with yoongie hyung that's why i asked you but sorry if i"" taehyung said sorry and bow to jungkook that maybe he shouldn't ask him that but he got cut by jungkook who smile at him

"" it's okay you can ask me any questions, jungkook said with his lovely eyes to Taehyung, who also looks at him lovely, but looks the other way and scratches the back of his neck nervously

"" I was in UK at that  time for my business and when I came to Korea I didn't stay that long because I had to go abroad a lot maybe that's why I didn't see you or you didn't see me "" Jungkook softly said to Taehyung who is listening to him carefully with his loving eye

"" ooh okay mr.jeon "" Taehyung said sweetly and looks outside the car window

"" Taehyung "" jungkook call him while his was driving after that jungkook call Taehyung he looks at him with questioning eyes

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